Senior Moment

Notre Dame played its best football of the year to stuff 14th ranked Utah by 28-3 in the final home game of the season. The Irish celebrated their first win on Senior Day since 2007 as students streamed onto the field to enjoy the moment immediately following the game. Notre Dame dominated the Utes in all phases and resurrected hope for a post season bowl berth.

Freshman quarterback Tommy Rees performed well for the Irish after a rough start. It was obvious from the opening series that Coach Brian Kelly was not going to ask Rees to win the game by himself, but his strategy to establish the running game was initially disastrous. After a Bennett Jackson kickoff return to its own 44 yard line, Notre Dame failed to convert a first down with four consecutive runs and turned the ball over to the Utes near midfield. The Irish defense kept the damage to a minimum, although Joe Phillips hit a 46-yard field goal for an early 3-0 advantage.

Rees and the offense struggled despite good field position, and did not record a first down in its first three possessions. The defense appeared solid, however, as evidenced by a strong pass rush and good penetration at the point of attack against the run. When Notre Dame’s Brian Smith dropped a sure interception of a Jordan Wynn pass on a third down play, Irish fans groaned at the missed opportunity. Redemption came on the next play, when Robert Blanton broke through and blocked the ensuing punt. The ball bounced perfectly into Blanton’s hands and he waltzed into the end zone for a 7-3 lead.

Jonas Gray gave Notre Dame a spark on its next offensive series. The nearly forgotten tailback broke off a 36-yard run after he appeared to be trapped behind the line, and the Irish were in business at the Utah 7 yard line. Rees hit Michael Floyd two plays later for a score that pushed the lead to 14-3. The Utes were unable to get closer before the half, due primarily to an avalanche of self-inflicted penalties and a resurgent Notre Dame pass rush.

Any plans nurtured by Utah to get back into the game in the third quarter disappeared quickly when Shaky Smithson fumbled the second half kickoff after a solid hit by Austin Collinsworth. The Irish recovered and scored on the next play from 26 yards when Rees hit wide open senior Duval Kamara for the touchdown. The defense joined the party on the next series as Prince Shembo sacked Wynn to stop a Utah advance.

Rees then directed the team’s best drive of the day as Cierre Wood broke off a couple of dazzling runs and Michael Floyd caught a 24-yard pass to get into the red zone. Kamara was again on the receiving end of the touchdown pass from Rees, this time from 12 yards out. Notre Dame stretched its lead to 28-3 with nine minutes left in the third period.

The Utes had a few scoring chances as the clock ran down, but Notre Dame held on downs on three separate occasions. Meanwhile, the Irish ran the ball well enough to milk the clock and Kelly was able to empty his bench before the final whistle. Although the outcome will be viewed as an upset, Notre Dame dominated Utah in the trenches and a perceived advantage in speed by the Utes offense was not at all evident. The Irish allowed only 265 yards, and many of these were earned after the issue was decided.

Let’s review the answers to the pregame questions to understand how this victory unfolded.

Can Notre Dame’s offensive and defensive linemen get the upper hand against the Utes? Absolutely. The offensive line opened holes for the run and protected Rees, while the defense shed blocks to limit the Utah ground game to 71 yards and no runs of ten yards or more.

Which team will be able to sustain a balanced attack? Notre Dame maintained balance and was efficient, while the Utes never established a real threat.

Will the Irish be able to shut down Smithson on special teams? Yes – it was the best performance in years by Notre Dame’s special teams. Smithson had -1 yards in punt returns and coughed up the fumble on a kickoff.

Can Notre Dame pressure Wynn into a sub-60% passing day? Wynn finished just over 60% at 24 for 39, but many of these were checkdowns for short yardage late in the game after the Irish loosened up the pass coverage.

How well will Utah bounce back emotionally after last week’s crushing defeat? The Utes looked flat. The game was over when Smithson fumbled and Rees hit Kamara to open the second half.

Will Rees have to throw 50+ passes? He threw only 20 passes, thanks to an effective ground game and a stout defense. After starting 1 of 4 for three yards in the opening quarter, Rees finished by going 12 for 16 and 126 productive yards.

Which team will win the turnover battle? The Irish forced two turnovers, blocked a punt and stopped the Utes three times on downs. The only blemish on the stat sheet for Notre Dame was an unsuccessful fourth down rush on its initial series.

The ease of victory and the smiling faces along the sideline and among the fans were a pleasant surprise for a beleaguered program that has faced more than its share of adversity this season. The team played well in each phase and did not let up at any point in the game. Although it may be premature to interpret this result as the beginning of a turnaround in Irish fortunes, a meaningful win in November has been a rare commodity in recent years and deserves to be savored.


62 thoughts on “Senior Moment

  1. Woohoo it’s high time we got a win like this. The scene at the end of the game was incredible. I bet every visiting recruit this weekend committs after that experience. If we just do our job and beat Army, knocking off USC for the first time in years could be another huge acheivment in Kelly’s first year! Not to get too ahead but then if we went on and won a bowl game all of a sudden we’re looking at an 8 win season, which wouldn’t be so bad afterall, especially for a coach’s initial year.

    • Slow down there Fitzy. Utah was a good but not great team. Great win, no doubt, but Kelly is far from off the hook. We could already be at 8 wins if he was a smart coach.

      • Why is a first year head coach on the hotseat? Really has to be the most unintelligent remark I’ve heard thus far this season!

        • well lets see. He asked a freshman who’s never started a game to throw 54 times vs. Tulsa while his run game was putting up 5+/carry. He let same freshman go in completely unprepared against Michigan while backing up a QB with a history of injuries. He has a hard time adjusting mid game. Nearly gave up the Pitt game late in the 4th quarter when all he had to do was start handing off the ball. The last two minutes of each half have been disasters over the season for us.

          First year in the program or not, those are some terrible errors. Its not his first year coaching. Those types of errors have nothing to do with getting your own players in, restocking cupboards, etc. Those are just big mental gaps (or being infatuated with your own system to a fault). There’s no way that you can fire a coach in his first year, but to call someone “unintelligent” for thinking it is a bit obtuse.

  2. This was a satisfying win. The Irish looked like a top 25 team for the first time this year. I think this is the Irish team we were expecting to see this year. I think the confidence generated by this win will carry ND over an outmanned Army team next week. The real test will be an away game out in LA against USC, but the 24 hour rule says lets enjoy this solid victory. It’s been awhile since I have felt this positive about the program.

    • I am happy for the team that they came out on the winning side of the score. I am especially happy for the Seniors who finally get a win on Senior Day.

      I do not agree the Irish are a top 25 team at this time. They are too inconsistent in their play (especially on Offense).

      I view this game (and I will admit I was wrong in my prediction of an Irish loss) as a good stepping stone in the direction of becoming a top 25 team. However, I still believe some of Kelly’s play calls were suspect – the lack of utilization Jonas Grey is a good example. Kelly and his staff need to continue to mature and become proficient coaches at this level of competition. They need to learn and grow, just like the new players.

      Luck favored the Irish in this game (as well as 2 weeks of preparation). It’s about time we got a few breaks going our way.

      Let’s just hope Bob Diaco can figure out how to adapt to Army’s Option attack, which will surely be modified to reflect the Navy’s approach since Diaco admitted he was unable to come up with a defensive solution to the Navy Option offense (yes, this still rankles me …).

  3. Percentage of College Football that is psychological = 80%. Sure, Jimmys and Joes, and scheme are important, but teams need motivation and a belief that they will win or they don’t. This is the reason I believe that Kelly will be successful and Weis ultimately was not. Despite tremendous talent on the roster once the momentum went the other way Weis could never motivate his team or get them to believe in themselves. He is not a college coach. Kelly will be successful, it is a matter of time.

    The freshmen on defense today were very exciting (Shembo/Schwenke). We need more of that!

  4. Awesome win and this shows that ND will be a better team going into the future. Great job by Kelly getting the team ready.

  5. SpokaneIrish00 says:

    Point of order: the Irish can’t loosen up “its” coverage. The Irish can loosen up “their” coverage.

    “Can Notre Dame pressure Wynn into a sub-60% passing day? Wynn finished just over 60% at 24 for 39, but many of these were checkdowns for short yardage late in the game after the Irish loosened up its coverage.”

  6. First time in a very long time it was fun to see the Irish play. Now if Diaco will only go back into the archives and dig out the tapes of N.D.’s wishbone defense Ara’s crew devised to stop Texas maybe we can feel the same way after the Army game.

  7. Due to prior commitments I did not get to see the game on TV – when I got home and turned on the TV all I saw was students running around on the field, and that is always a good sign.

    From all indications this was the game they needed – a good solid victory over a ranked opponent at home with everyone contributing. And I hope that this one was the turnaround win. Recruits at the game and at home watching must have been impressed too. if they weren’t we dont need them. We need guys who WANT

  8. A very good and much-needed win. A great win? That characterization can only be made in the rear-view mirror someday.

    But today, it’s a good, much-needed win. Beat Army.

  9. to be there (I don’t know what happened) and let me say this – those three guys from Florida whose names I can’t remember (wonder why!) made what Lou Holtz used to describe as “not a 4 year mistake – a 40 year mistake!” We are building a foundation this year with all the injuries. Both Crist and Rudolph – among others – will have a serious fight on their hands next year to get their jobs back, and that’s great.

    One more thing – I promised to eat my words if the Irish delivered a win like yesterday’s – I had them for dinner last night. They were baked @ 325 for 35 minutes and I had a little bit of gravy on them.


  10. For me the difference in the game was the ND d-line. For the first time this year they were dominating and had the Ute qb on the run all game. His ribs were sore on the flight home.

  11. Not to beat a dead horse, but if Kelley had kicked the field goal last game for the win and this games win, looked were we would be……talking a bowl game. Kelley coached well this game. The players stepped up. Preparation for Army is crucial. Don’t look past them to USC or a bowl game. Army will be looking a ND/Navy game film. ND needs to do the same. Great game Irish.

  12. All summed up in three words ” swinging from the noose”.they smelled blood and went it for the kill. That is toughness someone else was talking about a year ago. There’s a reason why i couldn’t stop watching even after those disaster of games . Saturdays smacking of utah was my personal pay off .

    • Rees is a gamer…he just may be the quarterback we’ve been looking for. Seems to have the confidence and determination lacking in others and appears to be able to work with the Kelly sideline style. It was senior day but some freshmen played their hearts out. A great day for the Irish.

      • I think you’re right about Rees. Seems like a much better fit for this system. It’s going to be tough for Crist to win that job back.

  13. One more thing. By beating Utah the Irish, in my opinion, have just made it impossible for TCU to get in the National Championship game. The computers will kill TCU’s ratings since their strength of schedule will take a nose dive.

    IMHO, of course.

  14. What a pleasure to watch ND have spirit again. Great defensive game. Hated the call to go for it on 4th down on the first series. We would have shut them out without that call.
    ND has some nice young talent.

    • I’ll I could think of after the 4th and 3 call was here we go again and Kelly’s words “Get used to it.”.
      Besides that boneheaded call, the rest of the game was a very pleasant viewing experience. If we get this type of quality play, Army should be easily defeated and the USC game should, at the very least, be a close contest.

  15. Coach Kelly said it pretty well. Today we played to our players and coaches expectations, not those around us. Clearly a foundational WIN for the remainder of this year and the future. GO IRISH!

  16. Dan in San Diego says:

    As one of the newest members of the extended (subway alumni) ND family, it was a real pleasure to watch this game. Like terry above I had commitments during the day but I have a DVR and it made my evening. I did agree with NBC’s analyst that Coach Kelly’s decision to throw instead of punt at the end of the first ND drive was wrong and risky, but the quality of ND play that followed made that risk an acceptable one. I even thought during the Tulsa game that the ND team was responding to it’s coaching–it was not the same squad the folded the prior week against Navy. My only concern is that in Kelly the Irish may have a modern day version of Robert E. Lee–a leader of impeccable character and enormous talent, but one who never saw a risk he didn’t like. Yesterday’s situation accomodated such risk taking successfully. The Tulsa game’s context did not. I am confident that under Kelly ND will doubtless improve and build its strength, but what about some moment, some time in the future, when an unnecessary risk could mean unnecessary loss?

  17. Congratulations to the players and coaches for a great win. It was long overdue and much deserved. I must say that with the exception of the decision to go for it on fourth down early in the first qtr, this was the best game management and play calling I’ve seen from Kelly all year. It just goes to show that a serviceable running game, controlling the line of scrimmage, and common sense play calling puts a team in a much better position to win.

  18. Well done. Congratulations are due to the team and Kelly. However, one game does not make a season. There are still two more regular season games and questions that will need to be answered. On the positive, there were flashes of Notre Dame Football yesterday. Fun, interesting and, at times, reminiscent of “Old Notre Dame.”

  19. A few comments:
    1. Surely the best feeling I’ve had after a game since the 35-0 Nevada shelacking. However, we need to remember that everything went our way this game. No apologies for taking advantage and playing great football.
    2. I think the rain really helped slow down the Ute’s passing attack and gave our secondary an extra step.
    3. Seeing the freshmen shine was more promising than anything else. It points to Brian Kelly’s impact. Does anyone think Tommy Rees doesn’t have as good a grasp of the offense as Dayne Crist had at this point? Also, it reminds me of when young Zack Collaros (sp?) did a phenomenal job stepping up at Cincinnati when Tony Pike went down. These players, even young backups, are learning and capable of executing well. That’s coaching.
    4. It is amazing what a Bye week can do for a team. The first break this season. Minus long term injuries, those who played had an extra spark, an extra energy not present the entire year. This leads me to ….
    5. Scheduling. As much as I love having an interesting game to watch each week, it pains me to see our future schedule. We may be the best team in 2012, but to ask these student athletes to study, travel all over the country (or world with Ireland), and beat highly talented teams every week seems like a recipe for disaster in the BCS era. Yeah, it worked in the past, but it’s not how it’s done anymore. We don’t live in a time when you can go into bowl season ranked 5, have an impressive bowl victory, and be voted national champion. Give these kids and coaches a realistic chance!

    That said, beat Army!

    • Ryan: You can’t really be serious about the scheduling for 2011 can you? USF, Air Force, Purdue, Navy (Please don’t start giving them more credit than they deserve just b/c they keep beating us), Wake Forest, Maryland and Boston College??? That’s pretty much a cream puff schedule my friend. That’s 7 games on the schedule against mediacore at best teams in 2011. And flying to Wintson-Salem (WFU) and D.C (Maryland) isn’t exactly a long trip when they hop on chartered flights. They have a realistic chance. Had it not been for Kelly not having a clue inthe Navy game and Kelly making one of the worst calls in football history against Tulsa, we’d be sitting on 7-3 right now talking about how great we’d done and how we believe that we could finish 9-3 and go to a big bowl game. Oh and by the way, I do believe that you can go up against a top schedule and win a national championship…it’s called the SEC/Big 12…Texas, Florida, Alabama…they’ve all done it! Our schedule is nowhere near as tough as teams have it in those conferences.

      • Fair enough Kevin. I agree 2011 is about as easy a schedule as I’ve seen…but it’s still against 10 BCS schools and the two other being acadamies that are not exactly FCS schools. The third year has historically been the Championship break out year for ND coaches, but just look at Kelly’s 2012 schedule and tell me who in the country will have a tougher schedule? Yes, the SEC and Big 12 do play tough schedules year in and year out, but they have the benefit of playing in Conference Championship games to end their season (soon to be Big Ten too). So, do you think a 1 loss Notre Dame that has no “last statement game” in December going to get picked over an SEC or Big 12 or Big Ten Conference champion? I’d say it will be pretty hard, even with our schedule. LSU won the national championship with 2 losses…after getting in with an SEC Championship victory. All I’m saying is it will probably take an undefeated Notre Dame team to get one of 2 spots in the BCS championship and we certainly don’t make it easy on ourselves with scheduling. Adding Texas for the future was fun, but we can’t be shocked when we fail to go undefeated.

        Texas, Alabama, Florida have done it…except they don’t graduate 90% of their players and ND does have over 30 player arrests in 4 years like Urban, or JUCO transfers…It’s been beaten to death but ND still tries to keep the student in student-athlete and it is harder at ND or Stanford to stay fresh for all those reasons.

        Also, We should be better than 5-5 this year no doubt. But, we have the good fortune of having a 20 year college coaching track record with this guy and he has done pretty well for himself. That gives me hope. We didn’t have that with the last 3 coaches.

  20. Long Island_Irish says:

    The last game I saw in ND Stadium was Lou’ final home game. I have watched every single game since then from start to finish regardless of how gut wrenching it was. After the game last night I watched Coach Kelly’s post game conference and my wife didn’t understand why something like that was interesting. I told her I have suffered for the past decade and wanted to savor this one a little bit longer. It was wonderful to see some emotion from the team and the fans at the end. Even the crowd getting loud at the end to push the team to the end was great. I haven’t seen that since USC in 2005. An entire generation of recruits to come have not seen a scene like that in ND Stadium. They were probalby all in middle school (or elementary school) when there was such a celebration at the end of an ND home game. I hope that the scene at the end of the game will show future recruits what being at ND is all about and that FUN is not a four letter word in South Bend. It was only #14 Utah – let’s hope soon we will start to see top ten teams actually worrying about coming to play the Irish like they did in the good ole days.

  21. I enjoyed this win. Really. Unfortunately I could not watch the entire game (little kids never want to watch all of it – but I was lucky I got in most of the first three quarters) but for the first time since I can remember, we outplayed a decent team. Really. We thoroughly outplayed them in all phases. And, this is after we had a rough start on offense. We didn’t panic. We took a punch. We responded well.

    No, this doesn’t even come close to meaning we can plan on beating USC for our seventh win. Army will be tough next week. They run a decent offense. And, we have had our share of letdowns. But, let’s hope that we show up next week at the Stadium — and that we dispose of a decent Army team.

  22. Jim Kress: Don’t jump for the jugular so quickly. He didn’t say ND was a top 25 team; he simply said for once in a long time we “looked” like one. Big difference.

    Ryan: Agree completely. From a fan’s perspective, 2012’s schedule will provide many great match-ups. But if you’re looking to get into the BCS title game, it’s a disaster. And don’t me all that BS about the schedules that the SEC, Big 12 and others play are that difficult or more so. The top one-thirdto one-half of those leagues are very good,but the rest are questionable to terrible. And that doesn’t even address the directional and other cream puffs that they regularly schedule to pad their records.


  23. I was so happy watching the game yesterday.

    I was watching ESPNU Sportscenter because College Football Final was delayed because of the Nevada Fresno State game being played late, and one of the announcers could not believe the students were celebrating a victory like that over Utah.

    First of all I am so sick of people griping about Notre Dame.

    Notre Dame is Our Lady’s school and it is the best university in the world!!!

    ND had not beaten a top 25 team since 2004, ( I thought it was 2006) and was surprised when they stat said 2004. Anyway… The students had a right to celebrate as well as all the fans because it was ND’s first AP top 25 win since 2004, first senior day win since 2007, and it reminded me of when Lou Holtz was there! Enjoy the win ND and let’s go after Army and then go after USC. I was at the ND-USC game in 1993 and that was an incredible win. I was there in 2005 and to me ND won that game. Of course USC can not claim the win anymore! I have been to several games at USC since moving to CA in 1998. I saw ND lose in 1998 but bounce back in 2000, and was there in 2002, 2004, and 2006 for the losses. I watched the game on TV in 2008 and I know ND is capable of playing well and beating Army and USC. Go Irish beat Army!! ND had every right to celebrate!!!

  24. Finally!!!!!!!!!!! this team came out and played a 4 qtr game with alot of HEART & PASSION !!!!!! all the talk going into this game about how this was the worst 4 year class in the history of the school who would of thought this would be the group to step up and knock of a ranked team well deserved boys you guys earned it great to see some guys have great games like Brian Smith, Harrison Smith that pick was the best play of his career and Duval Kamara 2 outstanding TD catches Now they have a muched improved Army team at Yankee Stadium lets see if they can do another first this year play 2 good back to back games you think Navys second string FB is good wait till you see Armys stud FB looking forword to that game GO IRISH BEAT ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Let’s beat Army and get into a bowl game; if we beat USC, so much the better. A bowl game will give the players an extra month of practice to prepare for next year and will help with recuiting. That defensive end from North Carolina looks great.

  25. I wish Dayne Crist well in the future, both athletically and academically; however, I don’t believe he has a future on the football field at Notre Dame. Rees – right now – has a touch on the ball that Crist has never had. I submit his 3 touchdown passes as examples, especially the two to Duval Kumara. Crist was recruited to run Weis’ offense, not the spread, which is exactly what Rees was recruited to do and shows promise of doing it very well.

    I hope this intensity carries over to next weekend.

    Great job Irish players.

  26. The 24 hrs is over for me. For some reason I still do not believe in BK. Utah was the worst team ND played all year ranked or not. Did any one watch USC vs.UofA. USC is a very good football team, I just hope is does not get uly against them.

  27. funny thing is, when ND losses, its all over espn. everyone has something to say about it. BUT, when ND beats a good team(even though now everyone is trying to make it seem like utah wasnt that good) you dont see anything about it. I watched several halftime shows after the game and no one said anything more then two words about the win. whats up with that?


  28. With Rees getting all this experience and the team responding to him the way they have I think Crist will be spending some serious time on the sideline watching him next year – and at least one of the two other redshirt QBs will be gone. They already have 5 QBs now and I can’t see any QB recruits coming next year. Of course I’ve been wrong before. (Ya think?!)

    Good things happen when Rees is in charge out there and it seems to me that he has the job as long as he wants it.

    I don’t care about the 6 win requirement for a bowl – if they don’t beat USC they shouldn’t go.

    BTW – thanks one and all for the suggestion that I get a DVR. Not that I’m gonna get one but thanks for the suggestions.

  29. Watching them play Army under the lights at Yankee damn Stadium – sounds ok.

    I’ve been to Yankee Stadium once – 1953 my uncle took me to a Yankees – Indians game. The Yankees had Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, Joe Page, Ed Lopat, and Allie Reynolds, among others. I remember Larry Doby played center for the Indians. Towards the end of the game I snuck down and watched from right behind the backstop – Allie Reynolds (“the chief”) was pitching. Wonderful and a terrific memory. I also remember the announcer for the Yankees, the guy who recently died. What a voice. What a memory. And I remember being at ND on the fall day in 1962 when we played Syracuse and they were leading 15-14 and ND missed a field goal on the last play of the game but Syracuse was called for roughing the kicker and ND got to kick from 15 yards closer and they made the kick and won the game 15-14 and we stormed the field.

    Not to mention “Ara stop the snow!”

    • I remember listening to that Syracuse game on the radio with my dad. We listened every weekend. That’s the only game have a specific recollection of. The decision to give ND the 15 yards and another play was a bit controversial, because time had expired and there wasn’t a specific rule to cover the situation at that time. I believe the rules were changed the next year. I was fortunate to be a freshman during Ara’s first season. Did he ever change things around! He took the players he had and started putting together winning seasons. Didn’t have to wait for APGs.
      This was a very enjoyable game to watch. I wish I could have been at the stadium. I would have found a way to get down onto the field after the game. Go IRISH!!!

  30. The Yankee announcer was Mel Allen — a great man who gave me the only autograph I ever got as a kid before a game with the Philadelphia A’s in Shibe Park. When Di Maggio or Mantle hit one out, Mel always said “How about that!”

    • Mel Allen was the radio announcer. Terry is talking abuot Bob Sheppard, the STADIUM announcer. He will be missed in this game.

      Team executed, and deserved our praises. This is all awash anyway. You don’t have any idea how good they are no matter how we finish – 3-9, 9-3, etc. Doesn’t guarantee anything in the future. Take a look at Saban, Nick and Tressel, Jim for recent examples. Also worth taking a look at Pelini, Bo.


  31. One more thing and then I’m outta here – The old Yankee Stadium was the greatest sports site ever. if you don’t believe me then you should look at some of the b&w shots of the Greatest Game Ever Played – Colts v. Giants, December 28, 1958. If you were never actually in the stadium you really missed something. Here’s hoping that this Saturday’s football inaugural has a good result. It’s really fitting that Notre Dame and Army should inaugurate the new stadium.

    I know I said just one more thing but I lied – I am not a Yankees fan but their home uniforms – just the pinstripes and the NY – are beyond a doubt the classiest in baseball, and I would argue in all of pro sports.

  32. Al Goldendomer says:

    After sitting through losses to Syracuse, Pitt and Navy over the last four years, it sure felt good to watch an ND team look like, well, Notre Dame. And the seniors, having endured one of the worst four-year stretches in ND history, deserved the fun on the field at the end. Well done, lads.

    And hats off to the Utes’ fans, who were numerous, friendly and LOUD (well, at least for the first quarter).

  33. Been a fan for 44 years. Worked selling hotdogs in the stadium in the early 1970s. This game was the most excitement (outside of the 2005 USC game) in the past decade. I’ve got a good feeling that this game was the start of something big. Some Echoes were woken up on Saturday; and some Thunder is coming!

  34. The game turned on that blocked punt, the Defense came up huge and the Offense took off after that punt with Tommy rees showing a lot of poise. I’m especially impressed with the touch he diplays on the touchdown passes thrown over the defenders and out of reach to all but the ND recievers. I think coach Kelly showed me he has a knack for teaching kids, the Freshmen showed a lot of promise in this game. The thing I HATE about Kelly is his wreckless call to go for it on 4 and 3 from the 47 yard line early in the game against a team that averages 41 points a game. I felt it was meant as a slap in the face to all the criticisms about the “pass play” in the final seconds of the Tulsa game. That he would put the team in jeopardary early in the contest to satisfy his ego was reprehensible. That said, he did a fine job, and his game plan and teaching abilities look sound to me. I’m thinking ahead to the USC game, gotta make a statement there. I’m hoping we will take a bowl game if offered, no matter what just to give the team a month more practice for next year. Coach Kelly, check your ego at the door, it’s embarrassing.

  35. In all honesty, this was the most complete game I’ve seen from Notre Dame in the last 10 years. Yes, we’ve had complete games against previous Navy, Army and Washington teams – but not against a Top 15 team. Who, prior to the TCU game, was touted as a possible BCS buster. Offense, defense and special teams all came together. I LOVED the physical nature of ND. If they can find a way to be that way consistently, watch out.

    But, the most impressive part to me has been the play of Rees. When he is at the helm, the offense is completely different than with Crist. Less mental errors, more consistency, better flow, etc. IMO, I don’t think Crist starts next year. Instead, I see Rees holding onto the reigns. And I’m happy with that. Can’t say enough about the kid. And what makes me appreciate it even more are the memories of Clausen starting as a freshmen. Remember how inept ND was offensively his first year? Now compare that to Rees who has 7 TD’s and 3 INT’s through two games, good completion percentage and touch passes down the field.

  36. It was a great victory. A lot of players who we haven’t seen much of stepped up big time. Shouldn’t we be asking, “Why?’ Kelly and a number of the players pointed out a 3 on 3 drill — an aggression drill — they went through in the bye week. The players were going after each other and they loved it. Then they took on a team that had run all over their opposition all year and busted them in the chops. The word is “AGGRESSION.”
    If the coaches can maintain/regain that level of aggression, our bigger, stronger, faster guys will kick the snot out of an aggressive but smaller, weaker, slower Army. Get the adrenaline to flow — BEAT ARMY.

  37. Patrick Cowger says:

    I thought the pace was much slower than the previous games – I noticed several times the time clock get down in the low single digits before the Irish would snap the ball. It seemed to me in previous games there would be times the Irish would only get 35 seconds off the clock before they had to punt, and the defense had to be right back on the field. Perhaps that had something to do with the defense playing much better than I have seen all year. Limiting a team averaging 41 points to just 3 was impressive. I know TCU just held them to 7, but TCU is a very good team! Combine the slower offensive pace with the Irish just running out the clock at the end of the first half instead of making risky plays with a freshman quarterback, and it seemed like a different style of coaching that I have seen from Kelly this whole season. The “we are aggressive, no matter what” style that lead to the game ending interception the week before seemed to be gone. A more pragmatic style of play, not putting all the pressure on whoever is quarterbacking to throw fast and accuarte all the time, seemed to be in place.

  38. This link is a few days old so no one will read this but anyway:

    This game was good. They kicked the snot out of someone who was supposed to do that to them – their first time playing Notre Dame, in Notre Dame’s HOME.

    Can you say disrespect boys and girls?

    Leave the nostalgia about past ND-Army games to old farts like me – I can handle it, I kinda like it, etc. No I never saw any of those games but I’m closing in on 67 and I can appreciate it more than you can.

    Guys, please, just Beat Army.

    The way to handle the option is to knock the guy down in front of you and sooner or later one of you will get to the guy with the ball – problem solved.

    Your assignment after that is to END THE STREAK. I will be sitting in front of a TV in Boston on Saturday November 27.

    Make an old fart very happy.

    Thank you and God bless.

  39. You know why this game meant so much….because notre dame remember how to be a fun place for football, the players saw that the fans had their back, the coachs remembered why they came to be at notre dame