Andre Jones, a member of the 1988 Notre Dame national championship team and father of sophomore wide receiver T.J. Jones, died today at the age of 42 after suffering a brain aneurysm. Jones was a crucial member of that title team at outside linebacker, and delivered the opening tackle in the 31-30 victory over the University of Miami. We ask that you remember the Jones family in a special way in the coming weeks as they deal with their loss.
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Tim Atkins says:
Andre was a classmate of mine at ND though I did not know him. I will always remember his enthusiasm as freshman on Special Teams and that he was tough as nails on defense. To me, he was very much the personification of the best of the Holtz years at ND. My condolences to Andre’s family.
willy d says:
So sad. My heartfelt condolences to the family. Hopefully the ND family will help pull TJ through this. Our prayers are with the family.
ts says:
TJ and family of Andre Jones, May God always be in hour hearts. Friend of Notre Dame and I wanted to share with you that many people are praying for you and Andre at this time. My condolence to everyone.
Camarillo Brillo says:
Very sorry to hear this news. Great player; fine ND man.
terry says:
Have a Mass said for the repose of his soul and for the comfort of his family. There is no better way to say goodby and thank you.
Jimbo says:
Stunning. So young. My sympathies to the family.
Charles Mittelstadt says:
Andre put his family first like no other man I’ve ever seen. His passing leaves a huge void – I know his family will find a way to keep it together and continue on their path to greatness. That’s what he worked so hard to try to ensure that each of his children had a shot of being competitors in their chosen passions – sports or otherwise. Heartfelt sympathies to the Jones family.
Jim Fackelman says:
One of my favorite ND memories involved Andre Jones. After the last minute, heartbreaking loss to Stanford in 1990, most of the bigger name players snuck out the back way to avoid the fans. Andre came out front and stayed till all autograph seekers were satisfied, among them my 3 kids. Andre even took time to pose for a picture with a friendly smile that covered up his disappointment over the game. That picture is still among my treasured possessions.
Rest in peace, Andre, you have brightened many lives in your lefetime.
Jeffery Hudgen says:
My prayers and wishes go out to the Jones family in this trying time.May you all know that Andre is in the arms of the lord and will be watching over each and everyone of you.May the ND family wrap there arms around TJ in this trying time and let him know we all are here for him.Andre was a great player with a big heart who left it all on the field.
Rest in Peace Andre..
GeorgiaIrish says:
More fundamentally, he was probably the only linguistics major ever to be on a national championship football team anywhere. He was in my Japanese class while taking Russian and being on the football team. Just like Tim Ruddy, that’s what it means to be from Notre Dame. TJ, be proud of that. Go Irish
Kevin & Laura Bailey Lula, GA says:
TJ, Michelle, and family we are so sorry and shocked to hear of the sudden passing of Andre. We will continue to hold you up in prayer and please call us if we can help in anyway. Jesus loves you all and so do we.
LeapingLeprechaun says:
I am not a priest or the most religious man in the world so I will leave my comments in this manner…I believe that ‘you judge yourself based on your intentions, and your people ( those around you ) judge you based on your actions’… I am a devout Irish fan and based on the comments left previously and my opportunity to watch Andre play for Notre Dame..TJ, your father was a great example of both an athlete and a Man…Be proud of him and carry on what he began in your owns footsteps…My condolences to the entire family and God Bless…
Tom Nash says:
I too remember Andre’s tenacity on the field and how he was so noticable as special teams player before he ever started, but my best memory of him is this story:
My wife and I were in Atlanta in 1996 to watch the Chicago Bulls toy with yet another team and were sitting in line at a toll booth, when all of sudden I hear a car horn beeping incessantly to my left. I look and see a man waving his arm at me somewhat frantically. My first thoughts were, “do I have a flat tire, is my car on fire?” So I roll down the window as does he, and he says with exuberance,”Hey, are you a Notre Dame fan?” Now I’m thinking, “he noticed my decal and now I’m going to get some SEC abuse.” I say, “yes, I graduated from there.” He smiles widely, shows me his national championship ring and says, “Andre Jones, national championship, 1988.” I say, “I sure do remember you,” then in unison we say, “Go Irish!” … and drive on our merry way. Wow. God rest your soul, Andre. Here today, gone tomorrow, but not forgotten.
Aaron Hoover says:
I met Andre when I was freshman and he was a senior. I had come to ND early because I was on ROTC scholarship. I was moving into my dorm room and he came up to me with a big smile on his face and help me carry things into my room. As he left he said “I’m Andre Jones and I live across the hall. If you need anything just ask.” Early on I was having a hard time adjusting to life at ND. Andre would talk with me and pep me up. He was on the football team but always stressed the importance of his education ingrained into him by his upbringing. As mentioned above he spoke several languages fluently. He had plans to play in the NFL but was already thinking about life after football and the important role his education was to play in that success. He knew I did not come from a wealthy family and would often give me some of his extra clothes. The shirts I wore to dances were his and I still have his kickoff classic warm up suit. When my parents came to visit he took time to talk with and asked my dad about his days of playing basketball at Penn State. He was my family’s favorite ND football player not for his performance on the field but the one off it. The last time I saw him he was excited and told me he had been drafted by the Steelers. He was going out to celebrate. He tossed me the key to his room and said “Anything you want in there is yours.” To me Andre was what Notre Dame was supposed to be all about. I thank God he put him in my life.
von rumps says:
sad. sad. my thoughts and prayers go out to tj and his family. andre was a great man and player. rest in peace. and tj, always remember’ andre will always watch every game 🙂
Matt Berger says:
Andre and I studied Russian together as well as both living in Morrissey my Freshman year (1989). Andre was a very down to earth guy with a great sense of humor, and was the embodiment of what a student-athlete should be. It is quite tragic to have lost Rodney Culver (another Morrissey man of the day and teammate of Andre) and Andre so young, but how lucky we were to have known them and to have them as part of ND Nation. Rest in Peace and God bless.