Coaches vs. Cancer 2012

From August 3rd through 5th, Mike and Tish Brey will hold their annual fundraisers in support of Coaches vs. Cancer. Their past efforts have raised more than $1.6 million for the cause, and they’re hoping to continue that positive momentum with a great 2012.

This year’s events will include the annual Night of the Stars and the Notre Dame Golf Classic at Blackthorn Country Club. Folks who have attended in previous years have reported a very enjoyable evening and a lot of great prizes in the silent auction. And if you’re not in South Bend, you’ll be able to participate in the auction anyway — just text “coach” to 702-222, and you’ll be registered to bid.

You can find more information about these events and donate to Coach Brey’s efforts by clicking here. But I’d like to make an appeal to the ND fandom out there to really put their money where their mouths are, if you can spare it. A $10 donation from even a quarter of our daily readership would go a very long way towards inflating that $1.6m total. And I know cancer has affected a lot of folks in our posting community.

So what do you say, Irish fans? You ready to help Mike Brey tell cancer what to go do with itself?

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