Wonder, Think & Know: Stop Kicking The Car Seat Edition

As the late great Mike Royko once said, some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know.

As much as we talk about style points, I think we’re OK this week with Bama going down and Kansas State putting in the same workman-like effort we did. Georgia isn’t going to jump us no matter how hard they try. Still, I wish one of the turnovers had been a touchdown instead.

Golson continues to grow up as we watch. He’s still the inexperienced sophomore sometimes, but watching him learn from mistakes over the course of the game is a joy.

Brent Musberger missed a golden opportunity on the interception to say, “There’s that Manti again.” Obviously his game continues to slip.

Speaking of Te’o, I still believe he’s among (if not the) most worthy Heisman Trophy contenders. Unfortunately for him, opposing offensive coordinators have an easier time gamplanning away from him than opposing defensive coordinators do for Collin Klein. When you have the ball in your hand every play, you can make things happen for yourself.

Every time Stephon Tuitt makes a play, I’m reminded that the road to national championships starts with recruiting. The outstanding work by the coaching staff in the living rooms is bearing fruit in the locker room.

The way things stand right now, my OWHF pick for the SC game is going to be a 7-6 Irish victory, accompanied by at least two Lorazepams.

Someone needs to tell Bobby Vadaro there’s no crying in football. And someone else needs to remind Louis Nix how badly we need him and we don’t want to see him riding pine for a week because some nitwit from BC pushed and shoved.

When Musberger talked about the NCAA having the ability to review film and suspend players, I couldn’t help but wonder if someone there was going to go after the Pitt defender who threw two punches on the play ND scored its final touchdown. Fortunately for him, both tries ended up wide right.

akaRon said it best this week: Boston College is like the Indiana Excise Police. Their sole purpose is to screw up the good times of other people.

Hats off to the ACC. They could have done the shortest-distance approach and made BC Notre Dame’s “partner” in scheduling. Fortunately for everyone involved, they put some actual thought into it, which is why the basketball teams will end up getting comfy with an actual institution of higher learning like Georgia Tech.

The chances of ND playing in the Sugar Bowl just dropped to zero. The SEC likely will not have a team in the top two, so they’ll retain their contracted champion and not get an early pick. They pick second behind the Fiesta Bowl in the regular picks, and ND definitely will be off the board by then.

On the other hand, the chances of ND playing in the Rose Bowl just went up significantly with Oregon State’s loss. If Oregon finishes undefeated, the best the Pac12 can offer is a three-loss Stanford team, and there’s no way you can justify a three-loss team as a BCS at-large. This gets the Rose off the hook with the conference. If Oregon is #1 (assuming they win tonight vs. Cal), the Rose Bowl gets the first pick, and there’s no way they’ll let ND get by them.

9 thoughts on “Wonder, Think & Know: Stop Kicking The Car Seat Edition

  1. lets not settle for any bowl except the BCS Champion. KSU or Oregon will lose and ND will play
    the one that doesn;t for al the marbles!

    KSU still has TX and OR has Stanford, OSU and probably USC again. –

    That’s 4 opportunities for 1 loss! It will happen

    • Let’s just focus on beating Wake and USC. We can either bring our Okla/Stanford game, or we can bring our Purdon’t/BC/Pitt game (or lack thereof). If we bring the latter to Troy, we might as well stop talking about the NC game right now. This team needs to wake up and play like it did against Oklahoma. Games against losing-record schools should not be close, go into 3OT after coming from behind, or need the help of the other team to win (aka – plain missed field goal, not a blocked kick). 10-0 is great, but let’s not leave any doubt in people’s minds.

  2. Don’t underestimate a bowl tie-in. The orange bowl took #24 Florida State to play #3 Penn St. in 07 or 08. FSU beat # 4 VT in the ACC CG. Obligation trumped rank.

  3. NDBonecrusher says:

    It is difficult for me to envision that an undefeated ND team (holy mackerel–I just said that!) would NOT play for the national championship, given all the elements that factor in.

    Hats off to Kelly and coaching staff–handling this unexpected situation the right way. None of this buzz matters if they do not “take care of their own business” against Wake and USC. ND traditionally plays poorly for the last home game–Lou used to say it was because the players can’t see their blocking assignments through the tears. But I think this year is different. The Irish whoop the Deacons 38-6 in South Bend and then beat USC in the Coliseum 24-21. After that who the hell knows, but I think we can all agree that, as Cousin Eddie said, “Clark, this is a real nice surprise!”.

    Speaking of Christmas, I am going to ignore my own advice and ask Santa for a nice sparkly crystal football.

  4. “Hats off to the ACC. They could have done the shortest-distance approach and made BC Notre Dame’s “partner” in scheduling. Fortunately for everyone involved, they put some actual thought into it, which is why the basketball teams will end up getting comfy with an actual institution of higher learning like Georgia Tech.”

    No. South Bend is 220 miles closer to Atlanta than it is to Boston.