Happy Thanksgiving

We here at NDN would like to wish all our users great and small the happiest of Thanksgivings. While we’re thankful for the fantastic season the Fighting Irish are having on the gridiron, we’re even more thankful for the users who make all this possible and who have made said fantastic season all the more enjoyable. We hope you all have a lot to be thankful for as well, and enjoy the day with loved ones far and near.


16 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving

  1. Thanks for all the work you guys do, Bonger, Cash, Vannie and SEE. Happy Thnaksgiving to you and yours.
    Go Irish, Beat Southern Cal.

  2. Thanks for all the work you do, Bonger, JVan, SEE and Cash. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    Go Irish, Beat Southern Cal.

  3. And thank you and your compatriots who maintain this site so others might share in your knowledge and love of ND. Thank youl for your collective wisdom and insights into the program that gives the readers and posters information we seek. Enjoy turkey day with your family and friends and Go Irish!

  4. Mike,

    Thank you for helping me keep up on my beloved IRISH from sunny SW Florida. I visit this site daily. Here’s to you and your family having a very happy Thanksgiving and an even better holiday season. If the IRISH make it to Miami I plan on going with several of my family and friends. I would like to thank you in person if you make the trip.

    Go IRISH!

    Chris Parker

  5. Michael Voris and I want to give all of you the 5 star rating … all of us associated with RealCatholicTV and ChurchMilitant.TV think you do what you do with class and style and professionalism. We are all ND fans this year!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to El Kabong and his colleagues at NDN.I appreciate the time and effort you put into this forum. God Bless You!

  7. Thanks for providing all of us Notre Dame fans a great site and doing so much work. Its my home site for ND football.

  8. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! You’ve helped make most of the last 19 years of futility at least tolerable, as I at least had other miserable fans to commiserate with!

  9. I have just returned from a my family’s Thanksgiving feast and coincidentally my grandma’s 85th birthday in South Bend (Granger), IN.

    My brother and I traveled together from my place up I74 and then the horrible stretch of 31. If Indiana could put in an interstate connection there I could be up for more games. Anyways turns out my brother and I were able to remember some good times driving up there and over all it is our love of Notre Dame did we find ways to communicate our different perspectives on life.

    Also I want to let everyone on NDNation I am thankful to finally see the #1 shining on Grace Hall in person.

  10. Great site and great work by all of you. Hope your holiday weekend is a safe and happy one – and that it ends with Irish fans happy with the results from Saturday night. Go Irish! Beat Trojans!

  11. Thanks to all of NDN’s “A Team” for all they do 365 days a year bringing ND Sports to locales everywhere, to include my son’s, who is currently serving as a US Army captain in Afghanistan. Please know that you currently are his link to all things Notre Dame; I wish all of this was available during my 20 years of service. So glad you are there for my son and from our family to yours, thank you and best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season. GO Irish!!!!

  12. Thanks for all your ongoing efforts NDN

    Jake thanks for your 20 years of service to this country and your sons current duty. ND brings out the best in those who defend our country. Nephew is Air Force in Arizona…first son is junior at ND with roomate who got game ball a few weeks ago at halftime for leadership as commander of ROTC Navy at ND. My son was honored with a National Army Student/Scholar Athlete award his senior year of high school. His Grandfather is smiling proudly on him now down from above – a true Notre Dame man who served 18 months war time in Korea.