Former Notre Dame All-American Renaldo Wynn talks to the ACC network about his experiences playing in the long-standing series against the Naval Academy, what the rivalry means to him, and how he believes the game is good for college football and should continue.
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Sad Warrior says:
Historical fact of fate: No Navy, no Notre Dame. WW II was a turning point in the relationship between the two institutions. A great deal of gratitude should be reserved for the Naval Academy.
Go Irish! Hooah!
Steve Warden says:
The Navy/Notre Dame is not imporfant. I understand the importance of the Naval Acadamy and the relationship, but the fact is this is a feel good story for the University and the Administration. It’s a political relationship and it should not continue. College Football is a business and playing Navy is bad business. In a world of BCS Rankings and future 4 and 8 team playoffs, this game only hurts ND’s chances to succeed at the highest level. Along with Army and Air Force,these games can only bring down the resume that is needed to get into the National Title playoff structure. Not what people want to hear, but reality hurts. Go schedule someone that benefits the program long term…Navy is not that team.
GraceHallChapel86 says:
Like playing Wofford (or Western Kentucky, or Florida Atlantic) compromises Alabama’s resume and “hurts its chances to succeed at the highest level”?
Arguments like this sound so wise and reasonable until you take 3 minutes and glance at any other top team’s schedule. ND has far more reason to play Navy than most contenders have for playing the softies in their schedule (and everyone has them), and should play them indefinitely. This is especially true in a world where loyalties and history increasingly mean less and less.
13 says:
Amen brother!