Brindza Hits High Note in Music City

Kyle Brindza’s 32-yard field goal as time expired gave Notre Dame a well-earned 31-28 upset victory over the LSU Tigers in the Music City Bowl on Tuesday. Quarterback Malik Zaire got the start and played very well for the Irish, who stuck to a ball control strategy with numerous runs and short passes. Notre Dame did not turn the ball over, and therefore was able to survive a few big plays by the Tigers that burned the Irish defense and special teams.

Zaire’s running and passing helped stake Notre Dame to a 21-14 halftime lead as the Irish completed long scoring drives against one of the highest-rated defenses in the country. A fake field goal attempt by LSU at the end of the half fell inches short, but it took only a few seconds for the Tigers to tie the game at 21 in the third quarter. Anthony Jennings hit John Diarse on a 75-yard catch and run on the first play of the second half, and LSU moved ahead a few minutes later on an 89-yard burst by Leonard Fournette.

Notre Dame showed its mettle by staying patient and using the running game to tie the score with just over 19 minutes left in the game. C.J. Prosise capped an impressive four play drive with a 50-yard run on a jet sweep. The remainder of the third period and most of the fourth was dominated by the defenses, as neither team had a realistic scoring opportunity.

The Irish started their decisive final possession on their own 16 yard line with 5:41 remaining. Zaire and Everett Golson both played a few snaps and helped move the team into field goal range. Zaire converted a couple of third downs with his legs, while Golson did the same through the air. As time ran down, Notre Dame called timeout with four seconds left and Brindza set up to redeem himself and his teammates after several critical miscues during the regular season. The senior converted a perfect snap and hold with a solid kick for the hard fought win as the Irish players and coaches celebrated.

The win ends Notre Dame’s four game losing streak and sets up the Irish to heal and regroup in the offseason with a much more positive attitude

74 thoughts on “Brindza Hits High Note in Music City

  1. What a statement drive for Zaire, Golson and the team. Using the whole clock? Check. Running it down the throats of a big, bad, nasty SEC team? Check. Finally making a special teams play? Check and match. Go Irish! What a sweet, sweet victory.

  2. It was a pleasure to watch this game. ND was physical and beat a good LSU defensive line. The offense, minus the usual turnovers, was able to stand toe to toe with LSU. Despite the defense giving up three critical long TD’s they didn’t fold and with the offensive able to keep up with the scoring without turnovers the game was won. It was a real team win and I feel glad for all the ND players. I even think Kelly was choking up in the interview at the end of the game. Go Irish. See you all next year! Happy New Year!

  3. take that SEC!!!! Irish control the line of scrimmage on one of the best defenses in the nation! I’m looking forward to 2015 when we make a run at a national championship. Go Irish

  4. Vannie predicted a blowout, Vegas had LSU by a TD. No evidence at hand would have foreseen after that USC abomination that Coach Kelly had the patience to stick with the run. And nothing told us that Zaire has poise beyond measure.
    We have one QB that can block and can hold for a game winning kick with triple icing. We have a second pocket passer who can fire a strike on formidable SEC coverage. Picking between them is a problem we want to have.
    That was NFL speed on the other side, blowing up the jet sweep like pros. Both sides played clean.
    Kelly coaches a great game from time to time. But can we reach dominance?
    Happy New year, go Notre Dame.

  5. I’ll admit I didn’t see this one coming. Kelly actually game planed around protecting his beat up defense with a power run game. Further he stuck to it for four quaters. I thought I was watching a Holtz coached team. Good job Irish you deserve this win.

    • Agreed! We do not see that often now a days but seeing that swagger, quiet confidence and the FIGHT like we saw at FSU was great to see. Good win for many areas including recruiting. Spring football will be more anticipated this year!

      GO IRISH!!!!

  6. Being an ND graduate who was born and raised in Louisiana, this victory was “sweet!” The 2015 football season looks promising especially if “little” Jerry commits. Hope Coach enjoyed his bowl of “gumbo” when he visited “little” Jerry.

  7. News flash to the guys who predicted a 40 point blow out. BK never lost the team. The team rose up and came together. Coach did adjust the game plan as required. He will be here another 5 years and we are lucky to have him. Get used to it.

    • We have the best players in the country, yet we are lucky to go 8-5 in year 5 of the program? “Get used to” 8-5?? No, you should find a new team to root for. Real ND fans would/should never “get used to” or otherwise accept that crap. “We are ND” means we should never settle for mediocrity.

      • No where did he say get use to 8-5. What he said was get use to Kelly being the coach. No where did he say get use to mediocrity. Stop trying to interpret what you want to hear in other peoples statements.

    • I was one of the nay sayers seeing what transpired this season. But I couldn’t be more proud than I am right now!! That is what I grew up with in the mid 80s-mid90s of ND football. GO. IRISH!!!!!

    • Correct. 11 players out for the season due to injury and three to suspension would be tough for any coach to overcome.

      Check out Kellys history at GVSU. It took several years to build a powerhouse there. I realize ND is ALOT different but hopefully we are on the same path. I hoped it wouldnt take this long but we are getting there. Dont forget how low ND was, we rarley competed in bowl games no matter who the opponent and now we have won three of five, two against marquee names.

  8. There’s that fight that is in the Fighting Irish!!!!! We came in like we did against FSU! This is huge for us on the recruiting trail!!!! It’ll be nice to see what recruits we get from this win. BK saved himself a lot with this win, still has a lot of work ahead of him to make sure we are an elite program again!!! School, jack, and admits ration has their part in building on this too!!!!! Good feeling going into spring practices!!! Feels good to say this with pride again……….GO IRISH!!!!!!

  9. As I predicted a win albeit a little lower scoring this gives us all a little something to look forward to next season. Well played game, with great coaching on both sides. Zaire did enough to warrant very strong starting consideration. If they think they have a playoff caliber team then I would play Zaire because he showed the poise and ability to manage a game turnover free. Happy new years!

  10. The ability to consistently run the ball was the difference in this game versus much of the season. Our QBs were not put in a lot of difficult situations that might result in turnovers. Terrific game by Folston. Defense hung in there and made just enough plays in the fourth quarter to get the job done. A good win.

  11. Newsflash–Kelly lost the team for a 6 month period and this was a great game and great win over a lower ranked team but make no mistake about it–Kelly did lose his team this year. And while we are at it –yes we finally ran the ball—had that type of game plan been in play when it counted earlier this year my guess is that EG would not have been a turnover machine. Even after the whole off season we still have horrific special teams play–just really bad. With that said we all should be happy with the win and the idea that Kelly can stick to a game plan. The question is–why could he not do this for 6 weeks in october and november. He is a marginal coach who coached a good game tonight.
    He still managed in his post game interview to through his players under the bus when he essentially Brindza for losses earlier this year

  12. A good way to end a mediocre season. This win masks some of the stink from the regular season, but in no way does it absolve Kelly or remedy all the problems that led to another 5 loss season.

  13. Great win! The offense looked good, always said, you need a formidable run threat at QB in this offense who can avoid/take hits and Zaire fits the bill. His passing ability impressed me the most, shows he can prepare and come in mentally-focused. I was happy to see Golson contribute on the last drive, but he’s going to be like his back up from 2012 next year, like when he threw the 3rd down completion while getting tackled. The offense lost some momentum for most of the 2nd half, but did well against the best D it faced all day. The D was flat, the fake FG WAS a TD, but we’ll take a free-B. The D-coordinator seems to have lost his identity: no more blitzing, very hesitant players who sit on their heals and are too hesitant to make plays because they lack confidence. The Special teams didn’t come within 5 yards of Fournette. I hope the team stresses special teams next year, but the defense will have to play with a chip on its shoulder and regain an identity. Offense set the tone for this game, no TOs!!!! D hung in at the end, and the FG unit pulled it off against LSU!!!!!! Go visit SEC swamp country and recruit some 6’4″ 250 lb 4.4 40-running talent to celebrate BK 🙂


  15. There are no words to express how happy I am tonight. I am a graduate of LSU and live here as well. I had no idea that Notre Dame would be able to win this game. I never saw it coming. I can say truthfully, I believed LSU would blow this team out in the 4th quarter. They didn’t and Notre Dame played with them the entire game. Again truthfully….they totally outplayed LSU and deserve this win. Hopefully, this will be a big step for the future of the university and team my family and I…and so many throughout this country love so much. What a wonderful day for all Notre Dame fans! Happy New Year everyone!

  16. Mark napierkowski says:

    Well deserved win, no doubt – even though the Zaire hold was actually not good (laces were in) – I was holding my breath on that kick. Really happy Brindza was able to convert game winner on his final NCAA kick, after such a disappointing season.

  17. Mark napierkowski says:

    Canuck75, we’re all happy about the win, but 8-5 should not be the standard for ND football, and BK has shown himself to be an above average coach at best. A notch above the three previous bozos, and that’s all. There’s not enough room in cyber space to document all the evidence for this. We all appreciate the 2012 season, but if we’re honest, we know how enormously fortunate we were that year. I’m not saying he should be fired, of course, but this guy doesn’t have the chops for big-time NCAA football. The company line “first ND coach to achieve 8 wins in first 5 seasons” is a canard, now that we have 12 game schedules, and all 6-win teams make bowl games (stretching the season to 13 games). 3 of his 5 seasons he will have finished outside top 25. That’s not something to be pleased about.

  18. Great game. Worried Kelly got too conservative in play calling in second half but can’t argue with the results. Defense middle needs some work in off season especially at LB. Proud how team kept fighting. 2015 should be fun with Malik at qb.

  19. Absolutely amazing and totally unexpected. I can’t wait to see Golson and Zaire next year. I know that this year was totally derailed by injury and whatever was going on with Golson, so it’s nice to see it finish on such a positive note.

    I’d also like to thank Les Miles and the LSU offense for going away from the ‘hurry up’ that they ran in the first half. It killed the (depleted) Irish D during the season and it looked like it was going to do the same tonight. Thank goodness they went away from it…

  20. No question I am happy with the win and proud of the team for beating LSU who, while having a down year, is a perennial SEC powerhouse. And I am also hopeful for what next year could bring.

    My question is whether Kelly will accept the fact that he has a team that can win so long as they play a different style than the one he prefers. He accepted this in 2012 and managed to go 12-0 with a precarious two QB system. If he can do it in 2015 — with more overall talent, experience, and depth (at QB and most other key positions) — I think we have a shot at being in the playoff conversation.

    Lots of questions though. Will Golson, Stanley, and Day stay? Is Kelly here for next season or will he be taking Rex Ryan’s place on the Jets sidelines? Can D figure out how to stay aggressive and effective when opponents go hurry up? How well can our new kicker perform? Etc.

    In short, we will have lots to talk about on this board.

  21. late season losses. Did you miss the graphic that showed only 3 defensive players were available for all games that 11 were lost to injuries for the season, and three were excluded for academic problems. We started a freshman DE today in his first game and LSU ran at him until he got LB and DE help. This is an amazing team that won today and deserve full credit as does its coach. GO IRISH

  22. Great TEAM effort, from the coaches to the guys signaling the plays from the sidelines. And NO major injuries!!!! Let’s build on this in 2015. Great job, FIGHTING IRISH!!

  23. Great TEAM effort, from the coaches to the guys signaling the plays from the sidelines. And NO major injuries!!!! Let’s build on this in 2015. Great job, FIGHTING IRISH!! Happy for the Seniors, especially Brindza.

  24. I agree…great TEAM victory…good job of game plan to control ball and keep undermanned defense off field as much as possible. Off season a little easier to take now!!

  25. Ensign_subwayalum says:

    Well, I can see why this site is Negative Downer Nation. Take a shot of Jameson you crusty micks.

    A defense of freshman and sophomores fought hard and did what they had to do to get stops. Scheme doesn’t matter when you have that much inexperience on the field. Period.
    Kelly is a good coach, but he finally learned what some folks already knew: run like Forrest Gump son.
    It was refreshing to see a QB be able to bang it out in between the tackles for tough yards.
    I see a lot of maturing already though from game 12 to the bowl game, so that d will be solid next year, and please lord, run folston until his legs fall off!

    Geaux Irish!

  26. A great victory! Good to see good coaching on this one! And all the players looked recovered from the previous infirmary ward!

  27. agree, lots of questions going into 2015, but I believe this team has a lot of talent. It just is a question of putting it altogether consistently. One area Notre Dame must improve on next year is developing a pass rush with their front 4.

  28. My game prediction was wrong, but I’ll gladly eat my words. Great effort and win by the players and coaches. It seems Kelly finally put his ego aside and protected the young, thin defense with a ball control approach. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you deal in reality and game plan around your team strengths and weaknesses.

    The defense still gives up too many big plays, but hopefully this can be overcome with maturity and better scheming in 2015.

  29. If BK “lost the team” in the last half of the season, he sure found it last night. Our players appeared to give up in the USC game…Something we hadn’t seen since Jerry Faust’s last game as head coach. But BK shows me that he will be a consistent winner at ND where he himself admits that “we all have to get better each week”. I beg to differ with NYCIrish. ND does not recruit the best players. ND coaches must meet standards not set at other schools. See Nick Saban could not bring an Eddie Lacy to ND. Urban Meyer could not bring many of his Florida standouts to ND. The SEC schools would not have suspended our five players for academic fraud. BK is recruiting better that we have seen for many years. He will win even with the high standards we have at ND.

    • Actually, Brian Kelly is getting admissions concessions not seen since Holtz’s years. Lacy was recruited by ND, so he was eligible for admission, as were a lot of players Meyer had at Florida. Yes, players were suspended for cheating, but that’s an NCAA matter, not an ND one. Don’t believe the hype.

  30. Nice win. But Kelly is still a complete D-Bag– yelling at Harry Hiestand on the sidelines dropping F Bombs in his face (it was nice to see Harry go back at Kelly though). Kelly seems to relish shaming his players and coaches on national TV. Oh and Lou got in a nice dig at Kelly after the game on the ESPN post game show– he said something to the effect that “ND won because they finally had a game plan that featured running the ball.”

  31. This was a great win and Brindza has been an outstanding player. It begs the question, what about a kicker for next year? I’m not aware of one in-house or one being recruited. Anyone shed light on this?

  32. Am the only one who could not care less about Kelly yelling at his assistants and players on the sidelines? Nor do I care if his language is colorful. Whatever gets the message across is fine with me.

  33. DagerONe…no….you are not the only one who could care less about Coach Kelly “yelling”at players and assistant coaches on the sidelines. Most of the great coaches were and are “fire-eaters”. It does not bother me at all that Coach Kelly loses it sometimes with players and assistants. He is in good company.

  34. Gentlemen;

    My witty comments were only in specific response to the numerous guys who were predicting a 40 point blow out , or who said we shouldn’t be playing etc. Those guys are entitled to their opinions too, but it gets tiresome to read the fire kelly,hire Stoops knee jerk reactions to any adversity.

    I expect and have faith that 10-2 is possible every year, so anything less is disappointing. However, I believe I am more rational than many on here. We got hosed at FSU . Our reliable kicker missed two chip shots that we have every right to expect him to make. There are the 3 games or “a few plays” as Coach said away from 10-2.
    We had more injuries than I can remember, including to our best defenders (Schmidt, Day Jones)
    I am disappointed in the O line. I am disappointed that Bryant is more sizzle than steak.
    But I do have faith in Kelly. I am not sure why so many express outright hatred for him. I do not believe he has ever lost the team. Perhaps I am wrong, but the players always sound pretty good to me and they were certainly fired up for yesterday.
    Finally, give Coach and Golson credit for yesterday. Zaire was great, and I like him, but when the chips were down, Coach asked Golson to hit a few passes and he did.Just like he did against FSU and Stanford.
    Happy New Year to all.

  35. Can someone explain how anything other than blind faith has some people believing that ND will win 9-10 games next year? Kelly has been at ND for five years and has only won that many games once in the regular season. They won the game yesterday against a solid, but unspectacular, LSU team because Kelly did something he has rarely done in his 5 years at ND- commit to the run and control the clock. When he’s done that, ND has played its best football. The problem is that in 5 years he has not done it nearly enough and that’s why more often than not his teams at ND have been mediocre. I saw a lot of things yesterday that most of us have seen the last 5 years, wasted timeouts (like the one called on the first play of the game from scrimmage- Totally incomprehensible and inexcusable), horrible special teams (100 yard return, no returns of significance of their own) and a lack of accountability by blaming missed kicks as a reason for why the TEAM didn’t win more games. They were able to overcome their on the field errors because they ran the ball and controlled the clock. So, after one decent win in a 8-5 season, who is guilty of overreacting and being irrational? Those who are basing their opinions on what they have consistently seen for five years or those who project 10 win seasons and/or playoff after one decent win? Nothing I saw yesterday changes my opinion of Brian Kelly as a coach one bit.

  36. I still have no faith in the coach who cant in five years have a reasonable speical teams–fully on third of every game. I have no faith in a coach who cant develop a QB after five years. i have no faithin a coach who has lost virtually all big games he has been in. this game is an exception but the team we played wa only ranked 23. Against all real good teams we lay an egg. I want to believe in him but he has yet to prove it

  37. Gotta say that any coach that comes to ND is at a distinct disadvantage in recruiting. Period. We have Ivy League standards and tough academic requirements on the players. We have guys that will graduate!! Cheaters are actually exposed and punished. We should be proud that ND maintains these standards and integrity in its athletic programs. It makes each victory that much sweeter. But let’s not kid ourselves. We have a great receiver in Corey Robinson, but USC has 5 receivers of his same ability. Most of them will not graduate. You can make these comparisons at almost every position.

    • We have Ivy League standards and tough academic requirements on the players.

      Not nearly as much as you think.

    • Please tell me how Harbaugh was able to build Stanford into a national power from the ground up in 4 years with the same or tougher admission/academic standards without 1/10 of the football resources of ND? Lame excuses like that don’t help the student athletes or the program get back to the top.

  38. Mike Prendergast says:

    Two months of pain gone ended with one game. Thank you ND. My Happy New Year started on Dec 30. Truly a team effort: (1)..LSU did not score during the last 20 minutes of the game (2)..after we got the ball back with 5 minutes and change to go the Tigers never touched the ball again (3)..When we needed them the most Brynza and the special teams came through for us. Look forward to 2015. Happy New Year, everybody. Mike ND 1971

  39. I’m certainly enjoying the college football this bowl season more in the aftermath of our great victory in the bag. The takedown of the SEC that we started TCU and Georgia Tech continued yesterday. I’m aware many on this forum have no love for Urban Meyer (I’m not a big fan either), but here’s hoping Ohio State can continue the poor showing of the SEC later today.

  40. I echo the positive feelings expressed. Euphoria was the feeling I experienced when Brindza kicked the winner. So happy for him and the team! We enter 2015 with renewed hope for a national championship.
    For many of us who were screaming for BK to play Zaire there is a sense of what could’ve been had he done just that. From my perspective it was a huge missed opportunity and a coaching failure. I, as many others, felt that Zaire would bring the skill, energy, and leadership that was missing in the latter part of the season. At least that he be given the opportunity to do just that.
    It is interesting to note that BK, in his after game interview, said this when asked about Zaire’s game: “He did what WE asked him to do”. This is a telling statement as to who BK is. He could not forego giving himself credit nor could he forego, therefore, implying that he had not made a mistake in not playing him that, he, in fact, had determined the right time and gave him the right package.
    As someone else pointed out in an earlier post, He, in that same interview, threw Brindza under the bus by stating they had lost a few games earlier because of missed field goals. How about the coaching mistakes; e,g,not taking a knee against Northwestern with little over a minute to play.
    I make these points not to throw cold water on the sense of optimism which prevails but with the hope that BK will develop a bit of humility – a persona able to sincerely praise others with the accolades they deserve without injecting himself into the picture and to accept the principle that the buck stops with him. In doing so, he will mature into the kind of winning coach which expresses the spirit of Notre Dame.

  41. Just a few years ago, we beat that national power-Stanford-on our way to the national championship title game. They were favored against us this year but we won at home. What is BK’s record against Stanford?

    • Kelly is 2-3 versus Stanford and he was 0-2 against Harbaugh. Neither game against Harbaugh was even close and if you’re being honest with yourself the 2 times ND has won it could have easily gone the other way. Why has Stanford been able to recruit athletes who fit their academic profile and play a more competitive brand of football on Saturday afternoons? The short answer is because Brian Kelly is nowhere near the coach Harbaugh is (not sure yet about Shaw) and they play a much more physical brand of football than Kelly coached teams; FB, 2 TE’s, solid running game.

    • I think the way Kelly went about interviewing for that job speaks volumes about him. While his players were getting ready to play in the most important game of their lives he was trying to position himself for a big(ger) payday despite the fact Swarbrick had publicly said he was getting a pay raise/extension. ND played that NCG like they were completely unprepared, which has become a Kelly hallmark. Perhaps, it was because Alabama was so much better. More likely, Kelly’s mind was somewhere else during the month leading up to the game and it showed in how poorly he prepared his team. Kelly conveniently went AWOL after word got out that he was interviewing for the Eagles job and he didn’t take calls from recruits wondering what was going on. Again, says a lot about the guy. I could live with the fact he’s a mercenary if he produced, but he has been an average coach at best while at ND and that is proven in his record. At the time he interviewed, I was way more upset about the way he handled it than the interview itself. If Brian Kelly felt that was the best thing for himself and his family he doesn’t have to check with me or anyone else, but he has an obligation to his current employer, players on the team, and kids he was recruiting to conduct himself with a little professionalism and class, which he didn’t. In hindsight, ND would have been much better off if he left because now we’re stuck with him because there’s no way another NFL team would give this guy a job based on what he’s done since that 2012 season. If he ever gets, what he feels is a better job offer, like in the NFL, he would be gone tomorrow. He has no affinity for ND at all and sees it as a means to another job. That would be much more palatable if he produced, but he hasn’t. He will be just good enough to avoid the pressure of getting fired and a lot of people will say he’s the best we can do so just accept it. Those are not the principles that Notre Dame was founded on and thrived upon.

  42. I have been a Kelly supporter over my couple of years of posts on here for two main reasons: HIs recruiting seems to be consistently a few steps up from where we had been and I like the fact that he seems to have brought stability to the program. We can squabble about in game coaching decisions and wanting us to run more or dare I say stop yelling at the kids…blah, blah, blah— All items that every fan base could say about there school if they choose to knit pick everything. At the end of the day do I think Brian Kelly is the best coach/recruiter in the country…NO I don’t —but I do believe that Notre Dame has went looking for a coach 4 times in the past 15 years with ZERO luck landing the “BIG FISH” of names that often get spoken about. BUT lets face it guys—Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, Les Miles, Bob Stoops—and name your other 5 favorites dont want the difficulties that come with ND ADMIN, their independence, or there football players been bombarded with the importance of Academics so knowing all of that I am comfortable with Kelly building the program and dealing with the bumps along the way.

  43. While I’m glad ND won the bowl game that still doesn’t mean 2015 will bring better things and under Kelly ND is becoming a carbon copy of the Iowa Hawkeyes under Kirk Ferentz. Like Iowa, each year will be marked by an upset or near upset of a highly ranked team prompting the super fans to say “we’re back!”. Then there will be 1-2 head scratching losses to inferior opponents and one blowout loss to a team on the schedule resulting in a 7-5 or 8-4 season and berth in the bowl. Every once in a blue moon we’ll stumble and luck our way to a 10-2 or 11-1 season like Iowa has a couple of times under Ferentz.

  44. After watching the two playoff games yesterday, we have a long way to go. Unless Kelly pays attention to everything, including special teams, it is never going to change.

  45. Well said, PC. It is better to have BK on the hot seat needing to produce at the top level, than to go looking for another upstart that shows great promise and who gets a 3 year pass while rebuilding in his new direction.
    Bk interviewed with the Eagles with no strong intentions of leaving. He had his raise but his assistants did not. After the interview, Diaco was given a raise to $1M, and the other vital assistants were also given raises. On other information, the 49’rs have contacted BK so maybe ND Chicago will get his wish.

  46. Notre Dame ran a Navy game plan and won by it. Run the ball, clock management, physical roughness. Hm? Like what I seen and provides a lot to think about.