Lisa Kelly’s previous two books talked about how Notre Dame’s “40-year decision” affected the lives of former football players and led to their successes both on and off the field. In her third volume of the series, Triumphs From Notre Dame, Lisa takes the concepts to the next level, going beyond football to see how The Notre Dame Value Stream has affected athletes all along the Fighting Irish athletics spectrum.
There’s something for Notre Dame fans of all stripes.
- Basketball nuts will hear about Joe Fredricks’ interview with a Kentucky hoops fan who unexpectedly knew all about him and got him his start in radio at WLW, and Karen Robinson taking what Muffet McGraw taught her and putting it into practice as a coach herself while endowing Coach McGraw’s position.
- Eddie Hartwell remembers his days with Pat Murphy and how it taught him the attention to detail he needed for a job in professional baseball and beyond.
- Shannon Boxx never thought she’d play soccer in South Bend, but went on to play in four World Cups and on the Olympic team
- Brett Bruininks regales Irish hockey fans about his days in the CCHA and how the “life-long learner” skills he learned at ND inspired a teaching career to which he just couldn’t say no
- Not to worry, football’s still represented strongly. Billy Hackett’s strong family life, Raki Nelson’s strong family business, Stephen Pope’s stunt coordination, and John Scully’s compositions all can be found along the way, along with a lot more
And that’s just scratching the surface.
Triumphs From Notre Dame is available from the usual outlets like Amazon, and on Lisa Kelly’s website if you’re looking for the more personal(ized) touch. But you’ve also got some upcoming opportunities to meet the author herself.
Lisa will be in Indianapolis at their Notre Dame Club’s football luncheon this Thursday, October 10th, from 12-1pm at the Skyline Club, 1 American Square on the 36th Floor. Facebook users can find out about the event here.
If you’re going to be on campus for the game against Southern Cal this weekend, you can stop by Augie’s Locker Room just off campus from 3-5:30pm on Friday October 11th.
Take an opportunity to learn life lessons from former Fighting Irish athletics alums in all walks of life. You’ll be glad you did.
Irish72 says:
Thanks for the heads up. Just ordered as I thoroughly enjoyed Lisa’s first two books.
Lisa Kelly says:
Thank you, very much, for your review!
Joe Hession says:
Sure am enjoying your new book, Lisa! It’s another Irish winner! Looking forward to your speech to our Notre Dame Club in Indy today. ☘