Notes from the Geetar: Get the Red Out

Irish fans have been looking to set a stronger home field advantage. El K has a couple suggestions in that regard, including a song he thinks ND could use to send its opponents on their way
Irish fans have been looking to set a stronger home field advantage. El K has a couple suggestions in that regard, including a song he thinks ND could use to send its opponents on their way
Brian Kelly has improved the Notre Dame program in his 10 years. But is that improvement enough?
At the risk of putting the Baha Men in your head, it’s the topic du jour on the Interwebs. And never let it be said I shied away from a topic. Notre Dame’s 30-27 win over Southern Cal in the latest edition of the greatest inter-sectional rivaly in all of college football has put the…
Lisa Kelly’s previous two books talked about how Notre Dame’s “40-year decision” affected the lives of former football players and led to their successes both on and off the field. In her third volume of the series, Triumphs From Notre Dame, Lisa takes the concepts to the next level, going beyond football to see how…
Sportsmanship will always be crucial at Notre Dame. But craven, unnecessary thank-yous betray a losing attitude