Author: Mike Coffey

IBG: Slight Change of Pace

Not sure where we go after the performance last Saturday, so as you’ll see at the end of the article, I took my question for this week’s Irish Blogger Gathering in a slightly different direction. Check out my fellow bloggers’ answers to that question via the link in their question to me this week, wondering…

Full Notre Dame Column

Wonder, Think & Know: I Got Nothing

Well, not nothing. I still know Mike Royko never said, “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know”. And at least for this week, I know one other thing: Notre Dame football failed. In every facet, in every dimension, from every perspective. Absolute, total, abject and complete failure across…

Full Notre Dame Column

IBG: Where Do We Go From Here?

My original plan was to write all the answers to the questions this week in haiku. But then I watched the Arizona State game, and realized that would take more than I had in the tank to keep up my end of the Irish Blogger Gathering, so you’ll get my rantings in their normal iambic…

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Wonder, Think & Know: Kitchen Vacating Edition

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know. Maybe John Greenlief Whittier would have liked Mike Royko’s writing too. At least he actually said part of that. On the long list of things I don’t want to…

Full Notre Dame Column

IBG: Dry Heat Edition

The desert heat is the perfect thing to help fight a cold, so I’m regretting even more the fact I can’t go. But I soldier on with the Irish Blogger Gathering, muscling through the Nyquil fog and sharing my opinions with the masses. My fellow participants asked their usual questions of me, and their answers…

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