Author: Mike Coffey

Wynn Seeks Leadership on Defense

The folks over at the ACC Digital Network sat down with Irish alumnus Renaldo Wynn. The former All-American defensive end shares his thoughts on the play of Tommy Rees, and talks about the importance of a leader emerging on a defense sorely in need of it.

IBG: I’ve Got Your Boiler Right Here

The Irish are off to West Lafayette seeking answers to their struggles. Meanwhile, the Irish Blogger Gathering has answers galore. My five … er, three questions were answered below by Frank Vitovich at UHND. I was water-Boilered by Keith Arnold over at Inside the Irish, so check my opinion out over there. Seek edification also…

Full Notre Dame Column

No Fate But What We Make

I was working at one of my kids’ fundraiser Sunday morning, and a fellow parent who knew I was an ND alumnus came over to chat about the loss Saturday night. He’s a B1G grad, but of a school we never play, and we share a mutual loathing of those in Ann Arbor, so the…

Full Notre Dame Column

Wonder, Think and Know: “No Defense” Edition

At some point, Mike Royko never saying, “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know,” is going to turn into a “Craig James killed five hookers” thing. At the beginning of the season, I told multiple people “If you bet the Irish this season, bet the under.” I hereby…

Full Notre Dame Column

IBG: Impure Michigan

Week Two of the Irish Blogger Gathering kicks off with Ryan Ritter of Her Loyal Sons answering my five … er, three questions for the week. I, in turn, was queried by Frank Vitovich at UHND. The other exchanges can be sampled at Strong & True, Inside the Irish, and Subway Domer.   The big…

Full Notre Dame Column