Author: Mike Coffey

Gathering of Champions

As we stand on the cusp of the 125th season of Notre Dame football, we’re a little over a month before the 1988 national champions gather to remember the biggest victory of that championship season. You have a chance to share in those memories with them … along with, possibly, a special guest. On October…

Full Notre Dame Column

A Bowl Full of Conflicts

We’ve spent a good portion of the off-season arguing about Notre Dame’s football future. We all want to see a return to the days of on-field excellence, and I think it’s important to remember that. But I also think it’s important to note how many of our wounds are self-inflicted and how hard Notre Dame…

Full Notre Dame Column

Collecting the Irish

A few weeks ago, we here at NDN were contacted by J. R. Wainwright, long-time sports illustrator and Notre Dame fan. Over the years, Mr. Wainwright has cultivated an extensive collection of Notre Dame-related art and memorabilia, including his own work depicting all our Heisman Trophy winners, all-American players, and famous coaches. The illustrations on…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Grass is Always … Something

Well, we all knew it was coming. And now, according to the South Bend Trib, it’s on the schedule — the natural grass surface at Notre Dame Stadium will be replaced by Field Turf. Let me make something clear from the get-go: The turf in Notre Dame Stadium is not a hot-button issue for me….

Full Notre Dame Column

Hanging Out with Jack

As you may have guessed if you’ve read NDN’s front page at all the past couple weeks, earlier this evening, Notre Dame athletic director Jack Swarbrick sat down with six folks from various ND-related electronic communities, one of whom was yours truly. For an hour, Jack responded to our questions, follow-ups, and in general shared…

Full Notre Dame Column