Author: Mike Coffey

Rest In Peace, FHSU

Long-time poster Jonny May, better known on the boards as FHSU Irish, lost his battle with cancer today at the age of 27. Jon shared his stories with the NDN community and was an inspiration to many. Our prayers are with his family. For those unfamiliar with his story, you can read about it on…

Full Notre Dame Column

More Heavyweights

NBC’s Notre Dame contract includes seven Irish home games and one prime-time neutral site game annually through 2015. “You could do [a series with Miami] … plus do one home and home.” A quote from a post on Rock’s House or Cartier Field? Nope. It’s a quote from Notre Dame Athletics Director Jack Swarbrick. Yesterday’s…

Full Notre Dame Column

It’s Gotta Be the Chicken

Seems like every time someone mentions the words “admissions” or “facilities” on the Pit these days, the indignation flows thick and fast. A lot of people criticize those of us who bring these things up, using words like “apologist” and opining that our standards for ND basketball are somehow lower than they should be. There’s…

Full Notre Dame Column

Goodbye George

NDN regulars may remember the name George Porter-Young. Last April, an article in the Observer talked about his battle with bone cancer and the fact that he hadn’t been home to England in 42 years. A number of posters on the site participated in a funding drive to allow George one final visit with his…

Full Notre Dame Column

Opportunities Abound

The dawn of a new year is the time of hope. People make resolutions to do better in their lives. They see an opportunity for a clean slate, and want to take advantage of the benefits that slate can give. Some folks have Opportunity knocking at their door today. If they take advantage, it could…

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