Author: Mike Coffey

Wonder, Think & Know: What Time Is It Edition

One of these days, I’m going to figure out that Mike Royko never said, “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know.” But I’m too delirious due to Daylight Saving Time to do it today. Or maybe it was watching Brandon Wimbush run. I know it’s one of the…

Full Notre Dame Column

Wonder, Think and Know — Great Pumpkin edition

I’m reasonably certain Mike Royko never said, “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know.” On the other hand, I know I said on Rock’s House I would have a measure of this team by Halloween, once the fluffier first half of the season was over and the meatier…

Full Notre Dame Column

Last Chance for a Helping Hand

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about the Wernle Catalyst4Change event and the opportunity to help former Irish great Daryl “Flash” Gordon in his effort to get troubled kids back on track. The event is coming up, and they’re still looking for donations and folks who’d like to spend an evening listening to ND foodball…

Full Notre Dame Column

A Flash of Light

ND fans know “Flash” Gordon not as a cheesy space hero, but as the outstanding outside linebacker who helped Notre Dame win the national title in 1988. Jimmy Johnson was no doubt a more formidable adversary than Ming the Merciless, but today, Flash takes on a tougher foe than both, and could use our help….

Full Notre Dame Column

Why We Mourn

I only met him once.  But as many would tell you, once was enough. Some years back, I was asked to serve on a committee to organize a charity dinner in Chicago for Lou Holtz, Charlie Weis, and Ara Parseghian.  The thought was outreach via NDN could fill a couple tables, and I was happy…

Full Notre Dame Column