
John Mazur Update

Two years ago, one of our posters, SanBarIrish, brought the board the story of former Irish player John Mazur. John and his wife, Bernadine, were in tough financial times due to John’s NFL pension not being what it should. We put the full story of John and his situation here. SanBarIrish posted an update yesterday:…

Full Notre Dame Column

Polar Football?

Ever since the move to Conference Championship Games Brought to You By AllState Because You Could Die Tomorrow Just Like John David Stutts, it seems the college football schedule has crept later and later. The Pac10 and Big East, not saddled with a made-for-TV event, followed ESPN’s financial siren song and now consider the first…

Full Notre Dame Column

Weis, Brey and the Next Bucket List

(The Rock Report) – Charlie will be back in ’09 and he’s going to have the most talented team to walk through a Notre Dame tunnel since 1993. But will they be better? If Charlie makes the right hires, I believe we’ll be a BCS team the next two years. That’s a big if, but…

Full Notre Dame Column

Hold Your Mud

Someone used that phrase on the boards today, and I resolved to add it to my lexicon. And it’s applicable now, because given the events and my writings of the last couple days, I want to make sure an important point doesn’t get lost here. I still want Charlie Weis to succeed. I have no…

Full Notre Dame Column

It Just Goes to Show

Show what, I’m not at all sure. Nothing, it seems, has been what it seems for the last couple weeks. Charlie Weis was fired, and then he was not. Jack Swarbrick was meeting with him next Monday, then it became last Tuesday when both were jetting around four time zones on the left coast. A…

Full Notre Dame Column