Horrible Losses II

Notre Dame followed a disastrous performance in the desert with an unconscionable giveaway on its own turf as the Irish fell by 43-40 in overtime to the lowly Northwestern Wildcats. The loss dropped Notre Dame to 7-3 on the season, but what is far more disturbing is the manner in which the offense, defense, special teams and coaching staff completely unraveled. The Irish held a 40-29 lead with less than five minutes remaining, but could not keep Northwestern from tying and ultimately winning the game on clutch field goals by unheralded kicker Jack Mitchell.

Mitchell, who had not booted a three-pointer from more than 29 yards prior to this game, hit from 45 yards with 19 seconds left in regulation and nailed a 41-yarder in overtime after Notre Dame’s Kyle Brindza missed from a similar distance. The injury-riddled Irish defense continued to surrender points at an alarming rate. The Wildcats gained over 530 yards, which is 200 yards more than its seasonal average. The hosts countered with 500 yards of their own, but turnovers and poor clock management negated any successes.

Special teams also contributed heavily to the loss. A first quarter extra point attempt was botched by new holder Malik Zaire, resulting in a blocked attempt and return for two points by Northwestern’s Nick VanHoose. This turned an expected 14-7 lead into a 13-9 score. At the end of the first half, the recently shaky Brindza missed a 38-yard field goal after a goal line interception by Matthias Farley had given his team some momentum in a wild first half. The senior also shanked a couple of punts, the last of which set up a crucial fourth quarter drive by the Wildcats to claw back within three points.

The most egregious failure, however, was a coaching decision by Brian Kelly to go for two following a touchdown that put the Irish ahead by 40-29 with 10:34 remaining. A successful kick would have given Notre Dame a 12-point lead and required Northwestern to score two touchdowns, but the lapse in judgment opened the door for a comeback that seemed inevitable to those who spent over four hours watching this debacle. In his postgame comments, Kelly stated “…one or two was a coin flip so we went for two.” Unbelievable.

As the fourth quarter ticked down, an 11-point lead still seemed safe when Mitchell had a field goal attempt blocked by Notre Dame’s Mike McGlinchey. Kelly eschewed the running game on the next possession and could not secure a first down, whereupon the Wildcats regained possession after a 17-yard punt by Brindza. When quarterback Trevor Siemian led his team downfield and scored on a keeper with 4:10 remaining, everyone knew the visitors needed to go for two. Northwestern was bailed out when a horribly failed pass was negated by pass interference against the Irish, and they converted their second chance by running the ball in to cut the lead to 40-37.

Despite having its lead cut to 40-37, Notre Dame appeared poised to run out the clock. A questionable pass interference call against the Wildcats on a third and nine gave the Irish a fresh set of down at the Northwestern 33 with under two minutes left. A two yard run was followed by the final timeout called by the visitors with 1:36 on the clock, but Kelly continued to press the issue rather than take a knee and use the clock. The strategy once again backfired on the next play when Cam McDaniel was stripped of the football and Northwestern recovered at its 28. Siemian, who has been criticized for abysmal play in recent weeks, took advantage of the lifeline and proceeded to pass his team down the field before the drive stalled at the Notre Dame 28 with 25 seconds on the clock. Mitchell’s heroics sent the game into overtime, but bad karma was palpable after Kelly’s inexplicable decision to grab a 12-point advantage.

The loss overshadowed a three touchdown performance by wide receiver Will Fuller, another 100 yard rushing performance by Tarean Folston, a scoop and score fumble return by safety Austin Collinsworth and interceptions by Farley and Cole Luke. Golson was not at his best, however, and appeared to suffer a shoulder injury early in the second half. Although he stayed in the game and made a few strong throws, he was obviously not at his best. The defense did its part with horrific tackling and blown coverages by the safeties that would have been even more costly had the Wildcat receivers made eminently easy catches.

Let’s review the answers to the pregame questions for more pain and suffering.

Which team will start strong and set the tone early in the contest? Both teams scored on their initial possessions, while the Irish could not fully take control despite holding the lead for most of the contest.

Will the Irish defensive line be able to dominate the beleaguered Wildcat front? The Wildcats were able to gash Notre Dame on two long running plays and negate the Irish pass rush by throwing the ball quickly into the short zones. Matters got progressively worse for the Irish when Daniel Cage and Sheldon Day limped off the field and did not return.

Can Golson get through the afternoon without giving up the football? No. The Irish turnover machine threw a pinball interception in Northwestern territory that was returned 66 yards to set up a touchdown, and fumbled the ball away inside the Wildcat ten yard line.

Will Notre Dame’s secondary be able to stop Northwestern’s weak passing attack? The Irish safeties made Siemian look like a Heisman candidate.

Which team will get its running game going? Both teams ran the ball well, but the Irish did not run it enough. Northwestern did not have a rush for more than 27 yards all season, but gashed Notre Dame for runs of 45 and 44 yards in the first half alone.

Will Fitzgerald’s gambles succeed or backfire? The Wildcats were only one of three on fourth down tries, but Fitzgerald’s biggest gamble paid off when he showed unwavering faith in Mitchell.

Can either team generate difference-making plays on special teams? Whoever asked this brilliant question is obviously clairvoyant…..and insightful…. and uncommonly handsome.

Things do not get easier for the Irish, who must now try to stop this death spiral against the likes of Louisville and USC with an increasingly depleted defense. The team will await news on Day and Cage, but Day’s leg injury in particular looked like a season-ender. Such a significant loss will put even more burden on the other two phases of the game, but right now Golson and Brindza do not inspire much confidence.


108 thoughts on “Horrible Losses II

  1. I put this one Kelly. Kick the extra point. Every coach should have the “chart”. When you score 6 to go up 11, you kick the extra point to force your opponent to score 2 TDs. The only reason 13 points would help is if the scored 2 TDs.

    Then, NW had no timeouts with 1:36 left. If we take 40 seconds per play (3 seconds to slowly down the ball, 2 seconds for the refs to spot the ball), there would be 16 seconds left when we snapped the ball for 4th down. No point risking the fumble.

    When we had the ball with 6 minutes left or so, we snapped the ball once with 25 seconds on the play clock. Another with 10. We could easily have run another minute off the clock on that drive.

    Brian Kelly – this loss is on you.

    • Brian Kelly and company absolutely stink! I am so tired of the way he coaches a team to play. He continually leaves the game in the hands of his QB instead of grounding it out with a good solid run game. I hear every year how we have so much talent and 4 and 5 star recruits and yet some how ND always underachieves and to me that is on the coaching staff. To be consistently turning the ball over 3-4 times a game by what Kelly thinks is one of the most dynamics QB’s he has ever had is sickening. Hey Brian, Golsen just isn’t that good. He has surpassed the ugliness of Tommy Turnover ten fold and is getting worse. Then you go out with all your greediness and go for a two point conversion instead of a sure extra point? As bad as that game was, if you would have done the sure thing and kicked the extra point instead of making a decision based on the flip of a coin as you put it to go for two points, we still would have oon ugly, but we would have won. To me you have lost control of this team and it shows. This program peaked two years ago at 12-0 and now it’s back to mediocrity at best for another ten years. This team has gone from barely good to just plain terrible! We have a QB who has no confidence and every time he runs a play you just wait for a turnover. Our defense has completely been decimated by injuries and our secondary has never been any good. I look for Louisville to beat the living crap out of us 47-10 an for USC to beat us like a drum 36-3!

    • BK 100% owns this loss.
      It’s as if Weis has been reincarnated – not taking the extra point will become lore as one of the most boneheaded calls ever.
      To add to the comments on the lack of running the ball, taking a knee, etc…
      When your entire defense consists of second stringers and freshmen it behoves you to eat up some clock.
      If we continue play in this manner, 7-5 is an inevitable end to this train-wreck of a season.

      • No, the most boneheaded call ever was putting the game in the hands of an untested freshman QB against Tulsa when a SURE FG would have secured the win.

  2. Their is so much wrong with ND after these 2 weeks and this is on Brian Kelly. Bad coaching. His teams always play down to bad opponents. There is no excuse for this after year 5. We have got to get Zaire some experience. Golson is a turnover machine. You can bank on at least 2 turnovers a game from him. It does not matter how athletic you are if you turn the ball over this much it means nothing. Zaire should see split reps. Half Golson half Zaire for remainder of games, then for next year take a long look at who our Qb’s are.

  3. I am 62 years old and have never seen the likes of this team…I have simply never witnessed a team as incapable of protecting the ball as this team. As far as Golson is concerned I cringe every time he takes a snap…will he throw a t.d.? Will he create a mindless turnover….not only has he become a turnover machine, he can’t even fall on a fumble he makes!! If I’m Zaire I tell Kelly that either I get my chance or I transfer. And never have I witnessed such an embarrassing loss since the infamius N.Y Giants “fumble”. Pitiful loss. Pitiful

  4. Alabama does not use the excuse when they play a bad team close that “teams always bring their A game when they play Alabama. The elite teams win convincingly consistently. This stuff has got to stop. It is year 5. I am not happy with mediocre records and decent teams. I want to compete like the Alabama’s and Oregons of football.


  5. A really ugly loss. Our defense seriously sucks. Northwestern scored exactly NINE points against MICHIGAN last week in Evanston! I mean ND stands for “No Defense” and not “Our Lady.” To be fair we are decimated by injuries and a lot of freshman and sophomores are playing. But our special teams suck too. I even half wondered whether or not Brindza was throwing the game. But we could have escaped with a win if our Head Coach simply had Golson take a knee on the last possession in regulation. But no, he tempts fate, and hands the ball off to Cam and it is stripped. I knew right then this game was over. This loss is on Kelly. We will go 7-5 and get a bid to the Toilet Bowl. And that is all we deserve. At least the youngsters will get valuable playing time and we can be better next year. Isn’t Charlie Weis available?

  6. I left a reply on the previous article basically making the same points about the two point conversion and the failure to take three knees and then punt the ball out of the end zone or out of bounds and leaving Northwestern with 50 yards to go with less than 20 seconds and no time outs just to get in field goal range. Kelly’s presser showed his arrogance and the fact is he should be a little humble and learn from his mistakes. In spite of all the problems with turnovers and a sieve like defense. ND still could have won the game if Kelly made the correct calls on the point after and taking a knee. As I said in the last post this teams needs a psychological boost for the Louisville game. Better break out the green uniforms!

    • Green uniforms? Really? No, not this team. This team deserves to HAND IN THEIR UNIFORMS. No fight in them whatsoever. Rockne would NOT be proud!!!

  7. This team mailed it in after the FSU loss. Kelly’s teams never get better as the season progresses. Remember the loss to Pitt last year and the should have been a loss to Pitt two years ago followed up by a beat down by Alabama?
    No way Golson should still be the QB. Special teams have never been good since Bob Davie. I don’t care how young the defense is they simply can not tackle. The Irish will probably lose out and go the the Beef O’Brady bowl.
    This ranks next to the loss to Tulsa. ND simply has too much talent. Kelly has no control over this team.

  8. I had the same reaction in listening to Kelly’s post-game. It’s a coin toss…what?! It was actually worse than that because right before he said that, he said the card said to kick the PAT! Huh?! How do you go against the card in that situation?! And admit to it in a press conference? Keep that to yourself if you know what’s good for you. If you don’t have the confidence in brindza to make an extra point, that’s a major freaking problem. Trying to hear him explain his way out of that was laughable…and twilight zone-esque.

  9. John,
    Humor is often the best medicine, and I must say you outdid yourself on this one. “Uncommonly handsome”?
    Well done.

  10. Am I the only person who saw the win handed to us with about a minute to play when the NW receiver was stripped of the ball while surrounded by nothing but blue shirts? But, of course, instead falling on the ball and finishing off the win, we slam into each other and knock the ball out of bounds. First down NW. That was even more bizarre than the 2nd pick-six last week. Not a white shirt anywhere near the ball and we can’t make the recovery? After every other mistake, the game was handed right back to us, and we could not take it. Wow. I saw it, but I still can’t believe it. Come on, IRISH. We’re better than this!!! Three more chances for this Senior class to prove it. Don’t give up — WAKE UP!!!

  11. mpsND‘72 says:

    Seems that the cold weather and snow got the best of The Lads today. Perhaps a big group hug and an extra team Rosary – or 2 – will help correct the mistakes and bless them with better weather. Amen and Hallelujah!

  12. To me there is definitely “something rotten in Denmark”. Possibly something inexplicable deep down inside the team and coaches. I hope they can pull out of it.

  13. This was a bad loss at home to a bad team that had scored a combined 16 points in its two previous games, both losses. I don’t care how many people are injured there’s no excuse for a ND defense to give up that kind of yardage to anyone, much less a bad Northwestern team. Another sloppy and unprepared effort all around. Once again, turnovers and rotten special teams. What do they practice all week? It’s obviously not offense, defense, or special teams. I was wrong about Brian Kelly, he’s not an average coach- he’s well below average. The decision to go for 2 when it provided nothing more than the extra point really summarizes how clueless and overmatched he is as head coach at Notre Dame. If 80,000 people in the stadium knew it was moronic, why didn’t he? The scary part is he called timeout so he had time to think about how stupid it was and did it anyway. Sitting at this game was very reminiscent of the last few years of watching Charlie Weis’s teams embarrass themselves. It’s very rare where the entire blame for a loss can be pinned on coaching, this would be one of those situations. ND will never win anything with Brian Kelly as coach.

    • TheTruthBeTold says:

      They’ll win the “who makes the most turnovers” competition. No one can beat the one-two punch of Coach Goofs-A-Lot and The Turnover Machine.

  14. Lack of everything on the field. As I watched the game disintegrate into the universe for N.D. I became fully aware of what has been going on from the beginning of the season. Lack of desire by the offense, defense and special teams. One of the cameras kept showing Kelly on the sidelines with his arms crossed with little or no enthusiasm. For me, he was a metaphor for what was transpiring on the field….no excitement, no joy, no smiles, no cheering the players coming off the field when they did preform well. I’m not professing I know what exactly is going on with the whole organization, but there is something smelly that I sense and it stinks.I agree David that Kelly has tons of talent but does seen to lack control over them. Who’s the coach????????????

  15. We gave up over 543 yds of offense to the 114 th ranked offense in the country. BVG has no answers, and Kelly with his huge ego, is just a shorter version of Weis. To quote Dan Devine in RUDY, “no excuses, do the work.”

    • Agree with you Tom. I’ve listened, watched, and attended ND games for 58 years, and this rates as one of the worst losses ever. To make matters worse, We made our annual trek from Western Pa to see this debacle.

  16. I have questioned and doubted if Coach Kelly is the real deal and the right answer since the Tulsa game.The Irish consistently seem to be in jeopardy against allegedly weaker opponents. I do not know if the talent is just overrated or if it is poorly coached. The team does seem to be emotionally sedated. I do not know if the offense is too high risk or too difficult but the turnover tendency in the red zone throughout Coach Kelly’s tenure has been alarming. Charlie Weis had too big an ego and perhaps so does Coach Kelly.

    • This is such familiar territory. How many years can this continue. There is no doubt that ND plays down to their opponents level. Every friggin year it’s the same. You start out with high hopes / they look good / then play an outstanding game like the FSU game. As soon as they get in the conversation of a title they fold up and look like all the experts say they do. I’ve never seen a team that more unusual stupid plays and decisions happen to. It is beyond mind boggling that a team can’t protect the ball and use up time. ND is falling into the category of the Boise St’s/ Marshall’s/ Cincinnati’s (Kelly). Every game is 45 to 40. It will never get it done. As for injuries, when Alabama or others lose players someone else steps up. They don’t miss a beat. That’s why it’s coaching not just talent. ND does not know what a killer instinct is. All these other teams have it. Obviously they are not motivated enough. How many years and games can you play without understanding all these teams are out to kill you. These games are so predictable. It was a lock to be a 45 to 40 game or so. Just like the North Carolina game. Just like the Navy game. If Nd played all teams with a tempo offense God help them. I love it when they play Navy and win by 2 or lose and then Navy plays someone like Citadel and they get beat. Who are these coaches and athletes that can stop teams like Navy etc. It is “groundhog day” for 20 damn years already. Now, they have put your mindset to the point of “will they win another game”. How can you think they will beat Louisville/ USC. Do they know Louisville wants to beat them bad. Will they be ready? Will Kelly do some more stupid things? How many turnovers will ND have? What’s with Brindza and the kicking game. It’s friggin ridiculous

    • What came out clear in this game is that there are 2 fundamentally flawed individuals that are prominent in creating losses for Notre Dame.A head coach that gave Northwestern a short field for a scoring attempt (a field goal) to tie the the game by going for a failed 2 point conversion.A super talented QB that on a consistent basis that cannot protect the ball such as the fumble on the fake hand off to Folston near the goal line.These are 2 individuals that are main stream to doing things fundamentally for success and do not perform as needed.

  17. The team has fallen apart. No focus, no effort, clumsy and inept. A total collapse against a sub mediocre opponent. A major shakeup of staff and team will be needed in the off season.

  18. While there should be a competition on the team to own up to this stinker, it’s most telling that BK didn’t own up to his coaching weakness. Seems against “weaker” opponents, his arrogance drives him to make swaggeringly stupid decisions, only to not own up to them after the fact. “One or two was a coin flip”?? Really? Do we really need to explain the odds of going for 1 vs 2? And did even getting 2 provide any advantage whatsoever? Then again, with ND’s abysmal special teams play, maybe he has the odds right….. I was prepared to cut them some slack after ASU, but this team is in a death-spiral and is not playing with smarts or confidence.

  19. Patrick Schaller says:

    I must agree I doggedly love the Irish guys this type of play really makes for a long meaningless winter…uggh but as some of you have suggested to go 6-0 then potentially 1-5 something has fallen off the wagon from bottom up to top down….I think dissention is from defense toward the offense its hard to dominate when you have no puff left because the offense is always giving it away. I think people on d are afraid to call the coach out on Golson for fear of getting benched if they express a benching comment on him…clearly Golson made some dumb remark about being who he is on offense but if that equates to turnovers a sa given to relocate him to the bench….Get Zaire in there now he needs the reps anyway and if we are going down in the next two games at least the kid can get some experience out of it. Another fan made a good observation why is it we always struggle on defense and not be consistently fundamental tackling and stuffing the run from CB’s to the DT’s This is coaching staff failure all way because nothing should fall apart this fast unless its being promoted by those coaching the kids….

  20. Toward the end I thought I was watching a bad Pop Warner team. The Irish were riddled with mistakes,
    but the game was still winable if only Kelly knew how to add!

  21. If a picture is worth a thousand words, the presser said it all. Kelly was Charlie reborn. The exasperation on his face told the story. This is a turnover machine that the coaches have no idea how to remedy. Van Gorder is getting creamed on virtually every set of downs. Northwestern pushed around our defensive line, huge plays were racked up all afternoon. The wheels are coming off of another mediocre season. Remember Dan Devine? “No one, and I mean no one, comes into our house and pushes us around.” I guess the boys didn’t get the memo.

    • What we need to do is keep giving up ALL our home games to these stupid “Shamrock Series” games and other riduculous games where we go play on neutral sites. You know there was a time back with ARA, and DEVINE and HOLTZ, where we never lost at home (or rarely) and the stadium was loud and it was difficult for opponents to come in and win at ND. What has happened to that?? Fans are not allowed to stand and yell and cheer, we have to sit in our seats cause the people behind us can’t see. I watched the Miami Fla State game last night, and that place was rockin for the whole game. It was LOUD. WHY CAN’T THEY PLAY ALL THEIR HOME GAMES AT HOME??? When you only play a couple games on your home field, how can you possibly make that an advantage for yourself??

      • I am beginning to think Swarbrick is really the problem here. Isn’t he the one responsible for all these “special” offsite games they play??

  22. This loss is BKs to own. NW also had 4 turnovers in much worse situations and yet they somehow could over come those on the road against a seemingly superior opponent. This team has been sloppy since the UM game. No improvement at all and the same problems. If not for some breaks in the NC game(I’ve never seen roughing the snapper called) and the Navy game(dropped passes despite being wide open) this team wouldn’t be bowl eligible. I’m not buying the youth argument when I watch freshmen and sophs all across the country excelling no matter what position. JT Barrett at osu comes to mind. What do you think going for two did for Brindza’s confidence? That’s just plain bad coaching and stupid. And yet during the post-game presser BK never really acknowledged that he may have messed up there. He just said it was a coin flip. Any coach at any level would PAT there. I think ND will never be more than a 7 or 8 win team with BK as coach despite 2012. He had many breaks that year that won’t repeat in his coaching lifetime. Its obvious he’s not getting through to his players. Time for a different direction…AGAIN. Is Fitzgerald interested? It worked once before

  23. This is the worst loss for BK since his humiliating loss to TULSA four years ago. I was a witness to that game and this is just as bad. Sickening display.

  24. Anyone think Van Gorder should be back next year??? This guy is terrible and is out coached every week.
    we should all know by now that when the game is close at halftime we will lose. The other team will make adjustments and kelly will not make any and we get beat. Kelly is to arrogant or to stupid.

    • Yes. The depth chart on defense is an absolute train wreck right now, with the injuries and suspensions. I’m willing to give Van Gorder a pass right now.

      • Now that’s faith. 200+ points in five games? Weis DCs never did that. Willingham never did that. They all had injuries.

  25. I’m fairly certain that someone from Notre Dame’s math department would volunteer to be on the sidelines with Brian Kelly and go over the mathematical possibilities of going for one point versus two when you have an 11 point lead. It doesn’t take a mathematical genius to figure out that a 12 point lead is way better than an 11 Point lead and 13 point lead games you nothing over a 12 point lead. That was one of the stupidest coaching decisions I’ve ever seen a Notre Dame coach make in the many years I’ve been following the fighting Irish.this team looks like they’ve given up.

  26. Mind numbing…. The inexplicable fall from Contender to Contend Duh? makes this tumble all the more difficult to digest. I don’t know why we can’t protect the ball, protect the QB, or make sound coaching decisions regarding play calling, clock management, or PAT choices. The deterioration of the kicking game is eerily Knoblauchian! It took me 5 years to warm to Kelly but early this season I thought he had found a measure of humility and thoughtfulness but his take on his own mistakes is hard to fathom. I have read some insightful comments on our free fall and for sure have no answers. I doubt we can beat any FBS team and have no confidence in us going into the last 2 or 3 games of the year. While I will never give up on the Irish I just wonder how we have lost so much in so little time. Was I just looking with green colored glasses? Had to turn the game off before the OT was played out… Can’t bear to watch another debacle with this bunch. Go Irish

  27. I follow closely ND football and secondly Louisville football. BK seems to have lost his mind with his pass, pass & pass mentality instead of leaning on what could be a potent ground game. UL has grown and gotten better all year while ND has steadily gotten worse, less motivated, sloppy, and disinterested. Bobby Petrino is licking his chops right now as he plans to ram Michael Dyer, Dom Brown & co, along with throws to Devante Parker. If you think Kyle Prater was tough to defend, wait till next week. I will be at this game but all the excitement and interest is for the UL side-ND I fear may get blown out. USC -if our effort is anything like the last 2 games ditto…This is not how any of us envisioned finishing -I really thought 10-2 and Cotton Bowl was likely…BK needs to be reevaluated. He’s been way outcoached the last 2 weeks. R in NY

  28. Noticeable throughout: Pat F was emotionally invested in his team, winning, and then entirety of the game itself. His players played all out from the opening whistle. When they didn’t execute, Pat F stayed with them, coached them, and you coud see the fire in his eyes motivating his team, etc. BK stood there all day with his arms crossed trying to “out play call and wow” us. Yes, this particular team takes me back to Charlie’s year 3,4,5 teams and how he coached. Talent, sloppinness, lack of attn to detail, lack of motivation…these men lead to be led and fired up throughout the game-I don’t think that’s in BKs wheelhouse…R

  29. I am so embarrassed by this loss. You basically sit on the edge of your chair with every Notre Dame game. They put no one away. The turnovers are the result of poor coaching. Great coaches eliminate most of the turnovers. We have absolutely no defense. I will not watch any more of the remaining games. I think this team packed it up after the Florida State game. This is not the sign of a winning program. No way we should lose like this. Very troubling and embarrassing.

  30. This loss is reminiscent of the Weis era and this team has been in a virtual free fall since the FSU loss. The defense is utterly pathetic and can’t stop anyone, not even the worst offense in FBS and in fact made the NW QB and offense look like the mighty Oregon Ducks.

    If I hear Kelly say “We gotta coach better, we gotta play better” one more time I’m going to vomit. He’s been saying that for weeks and things just keep getting worse. It’s obvious he and his coaches have no answers for the innumerable problems.

    The Good: Scoring 40 points. Problem is that NW scored 43
    The Bad: See “The Ugly”
    The Ugly: The critical turnovers, the coaching, pretty much everything.

    ND will very likely lose the next two games in ugly fashion to finish 7-5. This game could spell the beginning of the end for Brian Kelly and 7-8 wins in 2015 should be cause for termination.

  31. I have been watching ND on TV and Live for more years than I care to remember. Brian Kelly is a fraud and he just doesn’t get it. Golsn for ant merits he has sucks and its nice to takes the blame but doesn’t do anything about it. Total embarassement after the fiasco in Tempe. I predict they will loose the next two games and head to the swage bowl in Nome Alaska on New Years Day

  32. A lot of great posts this morning. Terrible loss. The only point I would add is that it was a bizarre decision not to play Redfield. Inexplicable. Tranquill was beaten consistently.

  33. Stop coming to games stop the sell out streak. The students don’t show up, evidence by the last three home games and all the empty seats in the student section. Don’t buy the tickets left for the Louisville game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Sad to say, but you’re 100% correct. The fastest way, and I believe the only way, to get the decision maker’s attention is to stop going. There’s really no need to change anything until, or unless, it affects the bottom line. I have to think long and hard if it’s worth it to continue spending money to support a program that has not improved in 5 years. There are no more loyal fans in sport than ND football fans, but we deserve way better than Brian Kelly.

    • The students are there. They no longer have assigned seats, just a class section, so everyone tends to crowd down and towards the pressbox.

      • Actually, my wife, an ND alum, was walking around campus during the game’s third quarter and was quite startled to see a good crowd of students, including someone we knew, in the north dining hall. The symptoms are there. That interest in football is slipping has been documented in Nebraska and Michigan. Might be Brian-Kelly-like hubris to think Notre Dame can completely avoid the possibility, especially if the product is not competitive. When we were there in the late 1970’s, football was surely full (though only 60,000) and basketball was routinely full. Today? Different world.

  34. Oh the pain. You gotta win the ones you gotta win. FSU at FSU? Ok. But 3-6 (now 4-6) Northwestern at home?!?!? WTF. I got nothing else. Which is good, because I have yet to make a correct prediction this season. Agree with whomever said we are staring down the barrel of 7-5.

  35. I’m over it . . had my fill of Kelly for this year. Will travel to ND next week, tailgate with friends, wish all a Happy Thanksgiving, and then cheerfully hand off my tickets to some (anyone, please), and head for home.

    . . .sadly, after many, many years, I never ever thought I would say or do something like this.

  36. Sorry forgot–John it’s only a “lesson” if you learn from it and it makes you better. Do you think the team and coaches will learn from this debacle? I have seen nothing but regression since FSU.

    • Nothing will be learned from this because what you saw is vintage Brian Kelly. Today he will meet with the players and point out their failures to execute. He will attempt to “clean up” those mistakes because they make him look bad. Unfortunately, he won’t take a step back and perform a fundamental self-critique of his scheme and tendencies that are not only maddening but a misuse of his talent.

  37. Zaire needs to be in. He was a total beast in the spring game and made Everett look like the backup. Also, anybody notice the look on Zaire’s face as he was given holding responsibilities? A man like that doesn’t come to Notre Dame to hold kicks. And Kelly going for two is inexcusable. Sad night.

  38. Is Kelly making mistakes? Yes. Is golson making too many turnovers? Yes. But the problem with all these posts is over complication. Why are we losing? DEFENSE. You cannot give up 42 points every week and expect to win more than one in four. And if you think it’s because of the offense I ask you how many of those 560 yards they gave up? This is freaking Northwestern. They had scored 50 pts the last four games combined! North Carolina keeps getting dominated. ASU hasn’t scored much all season. They will probably score ten next week. The defense needs to be fixed and the rest will take care of its self. After Kelly’s turnaround in 2010 I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. 10-3 can still be done. Go Irish!

    • I’ll bet you also believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. Seeing those three in your kitchen is much more likely than three more victories this season.

          • Dominating Utah, Army, USC then Miami was unremarkable? What do you want? If you take everything Swarbrick says as gospel you might as well do the same with Kelly who has had a more successful football career. Keep whining about him. Your constant pessimism takes away from the ND football experience. I guess we will just have to go get one of those other great coaches that are always available like we did the last four times.

          • It’s not surprising that the “unremarkable” reference went over your head. That was the term used by Swarbrick to describe the weather conditions on the day Declan Sullivan died. I consider beating a Utah team that lost at home the week before by 47-7 to be unremarkable. I consider beating Army unremarkable in any season. I consider beating USC without the injured Matt Barkley to be unremarkable, especially considering that Mitch Mustain made his only career start for the Trojans, although he threw a potential game-winning pass that was unceremoniously dropped by a wide open Ronald Johnson. Finally, I consider beating a dysfunctional and disinterested Miami team (also without a head coach) to be unremarkable.

            If you believe I am overly pessimistic, please send an email to the NDNation Board Ops and we will arrange for you to write the post game article next week against Louisville.

          • Your right it should not be a surprise that the remarkable comment is lost on me because I have not memorized everything NDs AD has said. I must be an idiot!

          • I am giving Kelly the benefit of the doubt based on his very successful head coaching career and provide a reasonable dissenting opinion which you have no tolerance for so you insult me with tooth fairy and “no surprise that is lost on you” comments. It seems you were hoping for comments all saying Kelly sucks, Notre Dame sucks, we should go 13-0 every year, let’s get Nick Saban to stroke your ego. You think It impossible for ND to win the next three yet you think it possible, even expect, ND to be a program that dominates college football. The ability to memorize AD quotes from five years ago clearly does not equal the ability to have an intelligent debate.

          • His “successful head coaching career” took place, outside of his tenure at ND, at schools with little football tradition and at which a .500 record or better is considered a rousing success.

            No one says “we should go 13-0 every year”. They do say, however, that Notre Dame should play up to the potential of its players and not down to the level of its opponents. As someone said the other day, we got beat by a team full of guys we didn’t feel worthy of scholarship offers.

            We’re five years in, and barring an absolutely miraculous turnaround, Brian Kelly will have at least four regular-season losses in four of his five seasons at Notre Dame. Do you believe that’s an acceptable level of performance for a Notre Dame head coach?

  39. Kelly’s got to go! Note how Fitzgerald was so positive, motivating and enthusiastic on the sidelines. We need someone like that who can MOTIVATE! Kelly’s too disengaged and into his arrogant play calling. I agree that he has too much of the arrogance of Weis. His seemingly aloofness on the sidelines has carried over to his players. Young people need to be motivated and want to play for YOU and not let YOU down.

  40. Insanity means repeating the same thing over and over but expecting different results.Coach,if you can’t admit going for 2 and not taking a knee were coaching errors then you’ll keep repeating them. This time the emperor has no clothes despite everyone else in the kingdom screaming it at him.

  41. Yesterday was an epic fail in all 3 phases of the game, coaching, game management, clock management, and it starts and ends with Brian Kelly. As bad as this loss was, the problems are not just confined to this one game. It has to do with Kelly’s entire philosophy on offense and coaching as a whole. As another poster pointed out, you cannot consistently win football games against good (or bad) opponents by trying to out score them. What worked at Cincinnati and Grand Valley State isn’t going to work at Notre Dame. Good coaches adapt, bad ones make excuses. To compete against the Alabama’s and championship contenders of the world you must establish a consistent and reliable running game; something Kelly is too arrogant to do. In addition to the poor performances on the field, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that there has been an alarming number of off the field incidents in Kelly’s five years at ND. For God, Country, and Notre Dame please resign Brian Kelly.

  42. This a career defining loss, like Weis losing to Syracuse. Kelly can’t let his team win on its own. He has to be the focus – like our prior offensive genius coach who can’t seem to win without the alleged advantages he had in the pros. Tulsa, unfortunately, was a harbinger of things to come. Kelly said get used to it and he was right. Eschew the chip shot field goal that wins the game and, instead, have a freshman QB throw into the end zone and get intercepted. Same thing yesterday. I was at the Northwestern v. Michigan the week before and it was a Keystone Cops fest. No way this game should have been close after the first quarter. Kelly has saved Fitzgerald’s job.

    I am now convinced that Kelly is Weis revisited. Whereas, Weis peaked with his loss to SC in his first year. Kelly peaked with his win over SC in the year his team went to the BCS Championship game. The problems with this team begin and end with the head coach. The team now averages 3 turnovers a game. Any other coach benches a player that turns the ball over that much. Our coach keeps him on the field. I have to believe this coach has lost the team with his uneven treatment of players. Our kicker is not the problem. Whatever has gotten into his head is the problem. Kelly, and his throwing of players under the bus, is the problem. Going for 2 when 1 likely wins the game and then saying it was a coin toss/you didn’t have confidence in your kicker is nonsense. Why didn’t he go for it on 4th down in overtime then? And why isn’t there a back-up kicker? What if our kicker is injured? What does Kelly do then?

    Unfortunately, ND is a mediocre team with a mediocre coach. In some respects this is worse than the Weis teams. Weis could not recruit and the talent level deteriorated with him in charge. Kelly has improved the talent level on the field and it showed in the FSU game. But the coaching arrogance is becoming intolerable. Golson should not play again unless Malik falters – and by faltering I don’t mean having a bad game his first outing. Look at the OSU QB and how he has developed since his first game.

    A team that turns the ball over and continually shoots itself in the foot is a team that lacks confidence and is playing scared. It’s on the coaches, not the players. Buerlein threw an incterception against SC and Holtz benched him. After a series or two, Lou asked Steve if he was ready to play and not turn the ball over. He answered yes, went on the field and, as I recall, did not make another turnover and beat SC. Under Holtz and Ara the players seemed to believe in their coaches and were never called out in press conferences. The coaches showed that they had confidence in their players and it showed in their performance on the field. Kelly now has recreated the Weis teams, each waiting to lose the games. The only difference is this team is more talented. All doubt that Weis had to go was removed as we watched his team play with a sense of expecting, inevitably, to lose to Navy. This Northwestern game was the same feeling.

    There is an overall disingenuous about the program that is troubling. Changing traditions and then saying that such changes were for reasons not related to the whims of this particular coach. No more team walk from Sacred Heart and no more real grass in the Stadium. When all the outdoor practice fields were made artificial you know it was inevitable that the Stadium turf would be changed. And why? Because Kelly wanted it and for some reason no one in this administration can say no to him. Of course the articulated reason for the removal of the grass that brought in 11 National Championships was because the grass in the Stadium could not hold up with all of its other uses, like commencement. Did anyone notice that commencement has now been quietly moved back into the Joyce Center for 2015? It’s not about the playing surface. It’s about living up to the principles you espouse.

    • “Any other coach benches a player that turns the ball over that much.”

      1994 – Steve Spurrier, benched Terry Dean for three inexcusable interceptions vs. Auburn
      1995 – Lou Holtz, benched a running back by the name of Autry Denson for being fumble prone and unwillingness to block

      These are two GLARING examples of such benchings. Dean never saw action again as Danny Wuerfel was the starter from that point on.

    • During the game, we were suggesting the same “Buerlein-Holtz” strategy for the benched holder and for Golson. Let the experienced benched holder back in after the botch. Let Golson watch the game for a series or two from the sideline if he looks a mess or creates an ugly turnover. Get everyone settled down and focused. Does not seem overly hard.

  43. If you are a ND fan and you do not take this loss personally, throw out your jock strap , throw out all the good memories and all the Irish paraphanailia and never say “Go Irish” again.

    Brian Kelly has prepping his NFL resume since he came to South bend. His future is elsewhere.

    This loss pales to ASU, Tula And throw in a Navy and SouthFlorida. Those are the games that define his days at ND.

    This team is young, inexperienced and in need of a Football Coach- not a arrogant bombastic coach aiming for a philosophy incapatible with the talents of thses present players. What was the nucleus of a promising team now is disheartened, disenchanted and perhaps in dissension( check the sideline coach-player interaction).
    He has good receivers, more than adequate running backs, His O line is inexperienced and defense young. BE A COACH! Instead, you sling the ball like Sam Etchavary in th CFL and hope you put up the stats and exposure the NFL looks for from a college coach. Develop a unique special teams -NOPE; Utilize the running backs- NOPE; condense the play book for the inexperienced O line – NOPE.
    Please explain how a university with the athletes and brain power of ND is unable to find a holder for the FG kicker!

    Notre Dame has successfully found the 3rd stooge after Davie, Wilingham and Weiss.

    Of course, come Tuesday, the beat writers will throw some cream puff qustions to Kelly lest they offend the Emperor and lose their pressor credentials. No Murray’s or Red Smiths here. Kelly, of course, will throw all the players under the bus I.e the holder and FG kicker. Who drives the bus, Coach?

    I could go on. Kelly stated he never took a knee 2 times and punted. (99 seconds to kill) – UNBELIEVEABLE! I bet that play is in his voluminous play book now.

    I remember a Coach who said (I paraphrase): winning has to become a habit. Unfortunately, for ND the opposite is now true.

      • When we hired O’Leary, Notre Dame should have had the smarts to say “we are hiring a football coach
        not a professor”. O’Leary started the UCF program and has had remarkable results. We should have kept his.
        kept him. Kelly has turned into a joke, as we all know. He doesn’t know that 12 point lead requires
        a team to score two touchdowns to beat you. He doesn’t know that running two plays in the victory formation
        formation will run off 80 seconds and a kick will take the clock to less than twenty seconds. Victory

        My last thought is that this team is so young and does not have the depth to become a cohesive
        defense. Van Gorder has an aggressive defensive concept, but it needs a blend of seniors and
        undergrads to make it work. I think it worked well when he had a blend of youth and veterans, but
        injuries have decimated it. He can do it with all of the raw talent ND has. Kelly, on the other hand
        is pompous ass, who pretends to be a football coach. It’s time to humble ourselves and go ask
        O’Leary to please come back and teach us winning football.

  44. Our Coach keeps Talking about accountability but it appears that he has not accepted responsibility for the bonehead decision to go for 2 instead of kick the PAT. What kind of message does that send to his players?

  45. I’m an Irish fan who lives in Louisville. Consider the Cards my 2nd team. Let me tell ya’ll they are a MUCH better team than Northwestern. Their defense is sick and has been flirting with #1 defensive team in the land all year. Offensively a young QB who is improving, 2 freight train running backs and an All American wide receiver. Could get ugly with an Irish team with no confidence and nothing much to play for…

  46. Folks…I wrote a “scatheing” post earlier but really….Brian Kelly is much better then the three coaches that followed Holtz. He gets good talent and we had a great run two years ago. Yes, it probably was a fluke. I personally believe Coach Kelly is a good coach but not a great one. Great coaches are solid in fundamentals and eliminate the turnovers. You hold your breath now on about every play and there is no guarantee of a win on any Saturday. I also don’t believe ND can get the great defensive players (the numbers) they need to compete with the best teams. You have to play some defense sometimes and we just don’t have it or the talent. With the way the country is today, it is going to be hard to get the best players (the numbers) to South Bend. I hope I am wrong. The world has changed.

  47. I agree. The really stupid, inane, unsupportable decision by Kelly to unnecessarily go for two points, when a simple PAT would have guaranteed a win, was and is unconscionable.

    It is clear that Kelly does not learn from past mistakes. He made a similar, idiotic choice against Tulsa in 2010 which cost ND that game, too. He is rapidly losing the respect and support of the Irish family.

  48. It’s a sad day when the thing I most look forward to is Muffet McGraw’s BB team. Due to the arrogance and lack of coaching skill from coaches Kelly and Brey, the women’s BB team, fencing, and soccer are the only ND sports to root for. We will now lose some recruits and existing 4/5 recruits like Bryant, Zaire, etc to other programs where they will become All Americans…….

  49. DomerInLonghornCountry says:

    I am reluctant to throw the QB under the bus, but I’m beginning to wonder whether there is a correlation between the off-the-field bad judgment that had him sit out a year, and the on-the-field bad judgment that results in pick-6’s and drop-6’s on the average once a quarter! (almost).
    I know it sounds cold, because after all he is just, what, 20yo? but it is what it is….

  50. Joe Schaefer ND '59 says:

    Are we getting used to it, yet? Yes, Joe Kuharich resigned after four years; however, the team was playing
    before empty seats that season. With a young, injury riddled, and suspension-depleted defense a
    smart coach would eat clock on offense. But not this coach. When Guglielmi was having a bad day,
    Leahy benched him in favor of Tom Carey. “Next man in” is meaningless. If Zaire leaves, the university,
    not Kelly, suffers the loss. His imperious manner is an awful persona to inflict on these young college
    students who a year ago were playing high school football. What is Denbrock’s job? Who draws up the
    game plan? Perhaps there isn’t one since they do the same thing every week.

  51. Kelly is 44-18. Not the best but considering where we came from its a great start. If Kelly is not the guy to turn ND around it will not be happening. Period. I have yet to read one commenter post the realistic alternative. Are we going after John Gruden again? Urban Meyer? Have you guys learned anything in 20 years? I’m sure many of you were calling for Lou’s job after he lost to Northwestern in the upset of the century too. Look where that got ya.

    • “If Kelly is not the guy to turn ND around it will not be happening”

      Sorry, not with you on that one. Kelly has proven a great coach can win here, specifically because he’s a good coach at best and he’s done reasonably well.

  52. Let me also note Kelly has beat three teams that finished ranked each of the last two seasons. But I’m sure every team does that considering Kelly sucks

    • He’s also lost to five completely overmatched teams in the last five seasons. I’ll guarantee you not many elite teams do that.

      • Oregon does. Pete Carroll USC teams did. Oklahoma and FSU do regularily. Does it suck? Absolutely. But I’m still waiting for the alternative Mike

        • Any competent AD has a working list of potential replacement coaches that fit the school’s criteria. I’m sure Swarbrick does as well. It’s part of his job description. Kelly could leave for the NFL tomorrow or get hit by a bus. Hell, the bus might even “go for two” by backing up and running over him again.

  53. This one made me physically ill. Wins start in the minds of the players and the coaches, and clearly something is amiss in both in the ND football program. Talent is not the problem. team speed is not the problem, as its better than ever on both sides of the ball. Intelligence of the players is not the problem. So it has to be the coaching. I don’t want to hear about injuries, etc. Any athlete who sits knows what it is to “step up” when given the chance to get into the game. Ask that Barrett kid at Ohio State. Yep, coaching is the problem, no question about it.

  54. I don’t think JC himself could win at Notre Dame.
    You can’t win when you exile your star qb for the whole year of 2013.
    You can’t win when you exile 5 starting guys in 2014 for the same academic reasons.
    I bet you walked into work today with your PC still on the desk.
    BK walked into work and major pieces to his scheme were taken away.

    2 pts, 1 pts, who cares.
    Facts are facts, ND has had 5 hide-your-face losses in the past 5 years.
    Navy (2x), Syracuse (2 and 8), NWU (3 and 6), Tulsa.
    OF the dominant football programs, they have a hide-your-face, once every 8 years.

    Kids are playing tight, which is why they can’t hold onto the football, or spin the ball on the hold, or a top notch kicker is hooking balls left. Organizations tend to press when they’re back up against a wall, 5 starters exiled, star QB exiled year before. There is a just a stated objective to not be a “football factory,” and that accounts for the challenges we face. So as a fan, I’ve learned to accept the hide-your-face losses be/c they are just going to happen in this austerity program we watch.

    BK is the best we can get.
    The strides he’s made are phenomenal.
    I frankly think there’s no way we can do better, simply be/c he is doing something no one else has to do. He even acknowledged that the harder part is recruiting, b/c you’re talking to 17 years olds about school in addition to football. That’s a far cry from “we’re not here to play school” comments you hear elsewhere.

    Remember the fact we had a defense that was ranked number 1 in yards against under Kelly.
    A huuuuge accomplishment, considering a couple years before, we let toby gerhardt walk in to the endzone just to get the ball back.
    I have no question he will turn it around, and until then I’m happy that we’ve got a steady hand at the wheel.

  55. Be interesting to find out from former players what it’s like to be coached by Kelly. Most of what we see of him during games is chewing out his players with the red face and f-bombs galore. Doesn’t appear to be much of a motivator and the results are further evidence.

  56. I sincerely hope the Irish team reads this board. If I were one of them, I’d want to run through a brick wall right now. Man, let Van Gorder motivate this team. I’d run through a f’in brick wall for this man. If Kelly wants to pontificate, let him. Leave the motivation to VG.

  57. We all saw the cracks in the foundation against poor teams like Purdue and Syracuse. We were duped into thinking Stanford was a big win (miracle 4th down play). UNC exposed the weak defense, but we were again duped into thinking we were a NC contender with a great game against FSU, which turned out to be an aberration (FSU playing down?). Every game since has shown how weak this team really is overall. A waste of great talent on O and too much youth/inexperience on D. We don’t need poor coaching to exacerbate the problem!

    I still believe in ND and even in BK…reality of this season has just set in. Hopefully we can muster up at least 1 win out of these last 2 now. 8-4 should be a minimum for this team (Northwestern has taken us off schedule). Let’s get it all fixed for next year!

    Go Irish!

  58. Brett, how can you believe in BK … he failed two of the most basic intelligence tests for coaches during the 4th quarter vs NU. a) not kicking the extra point and b) not taking a knee with 96 seconds left. if he can’t figure out these easy math problems, how’s he gonna get the veterans players on offense to be more consistent and productive, let alone play with emotion. I understand the defense is hurting from injuries and youth, but this veteran offense has no excuse for their poor play and all the turnovers. BK takes the blame for this and all his other boneheaded decisions on Saturday. He’s not THE GUY !

  59. Lowly? Really? The Cats beat Wisco and ND, they mustn’t be that lowly. Now let’s compare ACT/SAT’s you clown.