IBG: Validate My Signature

Irish Blogger GatheringBig game. Lots of pressure. Lots of angst. Lots of crab legs. But as usual, the Irish Blogger Gathering is immune to such trifles, and soldiers on talking about the things on the minds of Irish fans. I’m sure it will shock you to learn my question is there for you to peruse at the bottom of the article, and you can check out my partners’ answers to it in the links found in their posers to yours truly. Suppress your surprise and read on.

Frank Vitovich, UHND: With all of the talk of Jameis Winston’s eligibility being called into question after being linked to the same autograph dealer as Todd Gurley, what is your take on Winston with regards to this weekend? Are you hoping he is ineligible to help Notre Dame’s chances or are you hoping he plays so that if Notre Dame were to win there wouldn’t be any way for the media to downplay it?

Absolutely I want him there. The last thing ND needs is a trip to the playoff where they’re untested, only to get their doors blown off once they get there (read: 2012). If you’re going to be the best, you have to beat the best, and FSU without Jameis Signthis ain’t even close.


Ryan Ritter, Her Loyal Sons: Slow and error-prone starts have plagued the Irish this season (save for an opening TD drive against Purdue). If you’re Brian Kelly, what would you try to do to prevent such a start against Florida State?

I would go against type and, if the Irish win the toss, defer to the second half and allow the Seminoles to get the ball first. Let Golson watch the game develop for (hopefully only three) plays. Let him get past the pregame whatevers and settle in for a bit. Sure, we might start the game in a bit of a hole, but God knows that didn’t stop us last week. If Golson has a little more time to get his mind right before he has to get in the driver’s seat, it may help his focus.


Josh Knowles, Subway Domer: Life is a music video. Provide 3 short song lyrics that best describe the upcoming game against FSU and include the video that it accompanies.

For the record, I usually lack the time and inclination to do this amount of work.

EG’s turnovers: If it keeps on rainin’, levee’s gonna break.

We’re not going to win unless we can “run all day, run all night”.

The game result:
Your sports team will soon suffer swift defeat
That theory’s backed up by empirical evidence
We’re gonna grind up your guys into burger meat
Again, of course, we’re speaking in the figurative sense

The Sports Song


Aaron Horvath, Fighting Irish Athletics: I’m going to step away from the questions regarding the current squad and turn back the clock. First off, what do you remember about the 1993 game? (Shameless plug, we will be broadcasting the 1993 ND-FSU game on WatchND.tv/classics on Thursday night at 8pm ET) … where did you watch it? If you’re too young to remember, tell us about the best ND-FSU memory.

I watched it in the north dome of the Joyce Center with one of my classmates. I can’t remember why our usual seats were unavailable, but I’d driven over with my uncle and cousins, and chose to watch the game videographically. My best memory of that game was the players and coaches afterwards, how they’d truly turned a season that began with such turmoil into something really special.


And the issue itching in my brain right now:

What, if anything, does this game say about the season for both teams? Is it make-or-break, or will the loser still have a chance?


5 thoughts on “IBG: Validate My Signature

  1. I don’t think a loss by either team will ruin their chances at a playoff spot, provided it’s a close game and the loser wins out. ND’s margin of error is less than FSU’s due to poor special teams play; and in a game like this that, or a turnover, could be the difference. On an unrelated note, glad to see some resolution in the academic probe. We’ll probably never be privy to the reason(s) why it took so long, but kudos to the university for taking action and not burying their heads in the sand (unlike FSU with the Winston situation). Glad to hear Williams and Russell recognize the value of a ND degree and plan on returning (in addition to enhancing their draft status). I don’t think Daniels deserves a third chance at ND since he was just suspended for cheating; time for him to move on. I think ND has some serious problems in regard to the number of cheating suspensions the last couple of years and they need to figure out why, despite so many resources for these athletes they’re choosing to cheat.

  2. The answer lies I believe in who has the most ranked opponents on its remaining schedule. The lads I believe at this point have two (ASU and So. Cal.).

    Yet does the defending champ. get a pass on its strength of schedule? If so, is that ‘pass’ negated by what ever the situation will be with FSU’s QB, Coach, school administration, local police when the committee selects the 4 playoff teams?

  3. If ND loses they are out of the playoff without a doubt. They don’t have a conference championship and although preseason schedule seemed killer reality is that the schedule appears softer based on wins and losses–Michigan is down, NC was ranked pre season and is a bad team etc.
    Kelly has been dismal in big games. Poor preparation and slow starts are his signature contribution in big games. we need to start much better and protect the ball. we can’t be conservative on special team returns. if do this we can win for sure

  4. Provided ND has the athletes and speed to compete, which I believe they finally do, then this game is a lot about Kelly being the best coach on Saturday night. I’d like to see him have the kind of day where everyone after the game says, Wow, ND had all the answers on offense and came out and set the tone from the beginning. If up tempo offense seems to be the best way to go then do it. If he decides he can try and control the clock and smash the ground and pick his spots to stretch the field then thats fine too. I just want to believe aftet the game he was the best coach on the field and that whether this year or sometime in the near future, I can confidently expect we can win a title with him as our coach!

  5. NDBonecrusher says:

    Well Coffey I am in Germany for a meeting so looks like I am gonna have to wake up the echoes at 2am and try to refrain from yelling. I was there in 1993 and remember practicing “Emergency Post Game” in the Band. 2nd best ND football memory ever (#1 was Bettis in the Snow Bowl). The result will be the same as ’93: ND 31-F$U 24. And yes this game is critical for both teams. The winner controls his own destiny. The loser will not reach the first college football playoffs.