Quiet Dignity and Grace

As folks may or may not be aware, we here at NDN made a decision last year to stop linking articles from the Chicago Tribune in our headlines and on our message boards.  We felt the yellow journalism displayed in reporting some ND-related stories ran counter to our mission in getting news out to folks, and we didn’t see the point in rewarding an organization for a single-minded pursuit of eyeballs and sensationalism over one of actual news.

However, in a textbook example of the blind squirrel and the nut, the Trib today marked the one-year anniversary of Declan Sullivan’s death with a very moving story about the Sullivan family and how their lives have been affected by their son’s death.  The family has chosen to focus on making lives better in the wake of their loss, and to that end, have established the Declan Drumm Sullivan Memorial Fund, which will provide support to educational and charitable efforts near and dear to the Sullivan family.  One charity mentioned is Horizons for Youth, with a gala event planned for Saturday, April 28th, at Navy Pier.  Chicagoans, mark your calendars, NDN will be sure to have a table there.

With the holiday season approaching, I’m hard pressed to think of a better way to spend your charity money than the Sullivan Fund, and I would encourage everyone reading this to remember Declan Sullivan in that special way.  You’ll be making a difference in a positive way, following the example of a family who responded that way to the worst tragedy a parent can experience.

Typically, the Trib story doesn’t mention how to donate and make that positive difference.  We, on the other hand, are all over it — the website is right here, so jump over there while you’re thinking about it and show the Sullivans you support them.


3 thoughts on “Quiet Dignity and Grace

  1. The Tribune or ‘Buffoon’ is a modern day version of the revulsion-like Thomas Nast. They are very biased against Notre Dame. Like they really care about that poor family? Their only intent was to get the terrible targedy back in the headlines. Like all cretins, they need to be banned and shunned. Trash hypers.

    • I would not worry about the Tribune. Nobody gets excited about it any more in the Chicagoland area, unless you belong to a union, an alderman, or Emanuel. Their bias extends well beyond ND, and people are beginning to see through them. Circulation shows it.

      • I love Notre Dame and I’m a union member. A little reactionary “Whitecoat” wouldn’t you say? Speaking of biased! PS Was it Brian Kelly or his father that was an alderman in Boston?