Save the Date, Chicagoans

48 hours before the Fighting Irish take the field against the Miami Hurricanes, Tony Rice and his teammates will be gathering to watch and reminisce about the greatest college football game ever played.

Join us on October 4th at 8pm at Joe’s on Weed for food and festivities, with the 31-30 ND victory in 1988 playing in the background. We’ll be reliving the 1988 championship while raising money for a great cause, St. Baldrick’s. FOX Chicago’s Patrick Elwood will be emcee, and plenty of sponsorship opportunities are available for folks who want to get their business in front of rabid Irish football fans.

Tickets are $20 and will go on sale July 1st. We’ll have more info as the date gets closer.

For more info and contact information, click here.

7 thoughts on “Save the Date, Chicagoans

  1. ND Harvey Sumner says:

    I have a group from Philly about 40 of us, we arrive in Chicago on thurs morning 10/4, our
    headquarters is the Crown Plaza, downtown Chicago….Go IRISH!!!!

    • Well, now you’ve got something to do on Thursday night. Joe’s is a very short cab ride from downtown.

  2. Hope everyone has a fine time. No doubt the 1988 tilt vs. Miami was a great game. And best wishes to Tony Rice and the rest of that team.

    But the greatest college football game ever played was on 31 December 1973, when ND defeated Alabama 24-23.

  3. Paul Rafferty says:

    I was at several 1988 games that were great including the Miami game and the opener against Michigan (19-17), but I think the #1-#2 matchup against USC @ USC was the greatest. I would be surprised if Tony Rice did not agree.

  4. Bobby Kool in sc says:

    Not only was it ND’s Greatest Game ever , but it was the loudest I have ever hear ND stadium in the last 25 years. I can still remember the catholics vs convicts shirts my friends and I bought at the pep rally!!! I fondly recall the greatest hit of the game was Zorich crushing the running back inside the five yd line to put the crowd in bedlum!!! boy do we sure miss those days where the crowd put fear in the opponents to come into The House That Rockne Built!!! Lou please come back out of retirement and get this University back on track

  5. mikeyocpgh says:

    Nobody wants to nominate the 93 FSU game, which was also a 31-30 down to the last play fantastic game. I watched it in a casino sportsbar in Cancun with a bunch of non-ND fans at a table behind me. When the final whistle blew, they all stood up and said “the Irish are #1”. Lived in LA in 88 so the SC game that year was especially sweet as well. Looking forward to some new memories this fall.