brian kelly

Notes from the Geetar: Best Years of our Lives

At the risk of putting the Baha Men in your head, it’s the topic du jour on the Interwebs. And never let it be said I shied away from a topic. Notre Dame’s 30-27 win over Southern Cal in the latest edition of the greatest inter-sectional rivaly in all of college football has put the…

Full Notre Dame Column

Notes from the Geetar: Credit Where Credit Is Due

The Thanksgiving Day dawn sees me at my in-laws, anticipating a day where (should I choose) I don’t have to put on my shoes and a dinner of awesome proportions, not to mention tremendous Thanksgiving sandwiches later.  It also, as always, finds me noodling all the reasons I have to be thankful this year. If…

Full Notre Dame Column

Second Half Explosion Keys Irish Win

Dexter Williams burst off left tackle for a 97-yard touchdown run early in the third quarter to break open a tight game and propel Notre Dame to a 45-23 victory over Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. The Irish offense was stymied for most of the first half, but a scoop and score by Julian Love after…

Full Notre Dame Column