brian kelly

Finally, Some Offensive Toughness in the Irish

A win over Navy is seldom reason to cheer, though back to back wins over Navy by 40 points hasn’t been accomplished since Ara Parseghian.  But Saturday’s win left Irish fans, hungry for the toughness Kelly promised, with at least the taste of old Irish fight. Unlike last year’s blowout which was accomplished largely through…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Grass is Always … Something

Well, we all knew it was coming. And now, according to the South Bend Trib, it’s on the schedule — the natural grass surface at Notre Dame Stadium will be replaced by Field Turf. Let me make something clear from the get-go: The turf in Notre Dame Stadium is not a hot-button issue for me….

Full Notre Dame Column

An Offense in Transition?

(The Rock Report | Notre Dame Football News) – In November of 2010, Lou Holtz and Brian Kelly had a heart to heart.  Notre Dame had just come off back to back losses to Navy and Tulsa, the team was playing in the shadow of the Declan Sullivan tragedy and some were already calling for…

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Fixing Notre Dame Football

(The Rock Report | Notre Dame Football News) – Whether or not Brian Kelly ever succeeds at a level that will validate his selection as Notre Dame’s latest football coach, he’s set in motion much needed changes directed at challenges that have hindered Notre Dame’s ability to play championship football.  Many are small process steps,…

Full Notre Dame Column