brian kelly

Wonder, Think and Know: Sinking Their Battleship Edition

Mike Royko never said “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know”, but I bet he would have played single-safety yesterday. I’m a well-known adversary to the “television screen in ND Stadium” movement.  But I did find myself wishing there was a way to tell the crowd yesterday to…

Full Notre Dame Column


Mixed in with the rest of the angst generated by Saturday’s loss to Oklahoma is some discontent from the Notre Dame student body regarding a portion of the football team not staying to sway during the Alma Mater post-game. While I wasn’t at the game to witness it, according to some media reports, the decision…

Full Notre Dame Column

No Fate But What We Make

I was working at one of my kids’ fundraiser Sunday morning, and a fellow parent who knew I was an ND alumnus came over to chat about the loss Saturday night. He’s a B1G grad, but of a school we never play, and we share a mutual loathing of those in Ann Arbor, so the…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Rock Report: ND and the “Football Arms Race”

Given that the NCAA has taken the reins off recruiting to a great extent, schools will have to make some choices about how they’re going to compete in the new wild west.  Responses vary, the Big 10 is very concerned about the new rules  B10 ADs, Coaches Worry About Easing Recruit Rules reigning champion Alabama…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Brian Kelly Spectrum

This originally was a post on Rock’s House, but I figured the more info the better. First, let’s establish where you were on Monday night before all this happened: (a) I liked Brian Kelly as a hire originally and still like him (b) I liked Brian Kelly as a hire originally but now have my…

Full Notre Dame Column