
You Don’t Know What You’ve Got….

They say length doesn’t matter, but I beg to differ. In the 12 years I’ve been pushing the bits and bytes on NDNation and its progenitor sites, I’ve never spent as long a night posting headlines or seen a two-plus screen scroll list of articles. When Forbes and the Wall Street Journal are chiming in…

Full Notre Dame Column

What Would You Ask Jack?

On Tuesday, July 31st, Jack Swarbrick will participate in an online “hangout” on Google Plus.  Moderated by long-time ND sports anchor Jack Nolan, Jack will be interviewed by representatives from seven ND-based online communities, one of which will be NDNation. The structure of the hangout gives each representative the opportunity to ask Jack one question. …

Full Notre Dame Column

Hooked’em: ND/UT on for ’15,’16,’19 and ’20

(Notre Dame Football News) – In a giant step away from Notre Dame’s recent legacy of sycophantic athletic “aspirationitis,” the Irish put some fight back into the schedule and tradition back on the priority list by scheduling the University of Texas to a four-game series in 2015, 2016, 2019 and 2020. Notre Dame athletics director…

Full Notre Dame Column

Choose Independence

The under the radar campaign to prepare Notre Dame Nation for a move to the Big Ten that began with an ‘oops’ moment in New York continued yesterday. Executive Vice President John Affleck-Graves was in Scottsdale last night for UND Night with the Notre Dame Club of Phoenix, and told one alumnus and NDNation member,…

Full Notre Dame Column