jack swarbrick

Strange Bedfellows

A long-time Notre Dame employee rides off into the sunset, and ND alums and fans deserve to know who put him on the horse

Notes from the Geetar: Credit Where Credit Is Due

The Thanksgiving Day dawn sees me at my in-laws, anticipating a day where (should I choose) I don’t have to put on my shoes and a dinner of awesome proportions, not to mention tremendous Thanksgiving sandwiches later.  It also, as always, finds me noodling all the reasons I have to be thankful this year. If…

Full Notre Dame Column

What Hath Jacks Wrought?

It’s been a while since I’ve been in the House that Rockne Built and Jack & Jack Renovated.  I’m pretty sure it was the last NDN tailgater on campus, which would make it the lovely 38-3 whomping of Texas in 2015.  That’s a 22-game streak, easily the longest in my life as a Notre Dame…

Full Notre Dame Column