jack swarbrick

Eight is (Not) Enough

Yesterday, I talked about the poor performance this basketball season and put the onus on Jack Swarbrick and Mike Brey to do something about it. Not 24 hours later, we have our first indication of Brey’s attitude about next season, and frankly, it doesn’t inspire confidence. In interviews following the first-round ACC Tournament loss to…

Full Notre Dame Column

Shake it Up

In the wake of the NCAA loss to Iowa State last year, I said both Jack Swarbrick and Mike Brey needed to gear up for changes. The downslide since the #2-seed performance the previous season needed to be reversed, and it seemed both men had the ability and opportunity to get their part of that…

Full Notre Dame Column

Standing at the Crossroads

After many months of conjecture and consternation, details regarding the official Building Plan for Notre Dame Stadium, dubbed the Campus Crossroads Project, were released this morning via electronic distribution. Since the major parties are in Rome for the BOT meetings, there isn’t a press conference scheduled to give further details at this point. So we’ll…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Gist of our Goals

A couple weeks ago, I reviewed the 2014-16 football schedules ND released before the holidays, and said I would talk about the Scheduling Philosophy “tomorrow”. Obviously my concept of the word “tomorrow” is a little skewed, because here we are in January. But tomorrow has come, and as I’ve always said, some things you won…

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The Tracks of our Tiers

I remember the day I set foot on campus in August of 1987 to begin my freshman year, I received a refrigerator magnet that had the football schedules on it through 1993. Life in the days when ND wasn’t almost the only independent in Division 1 and crazy television contracts didn’t rule the day certainly…

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