jack swarbrick

More Heavyweights

NBC’s Notre Dame contract includes seven Irish home games and one prime-time neutral site game annually through 2015. “You could do [a series with Miami] … plus do one home and home.” A quote from a post on Rock’s House or Cartier Field? Nope. It’s a quote from Notre Dame Athletics Director Jack Swarbrick. Yesterday’s…

Full Notre Dame Column

It’s Gotta Be the Chicken

Seems like every time someone mentions the words “admissions” or “facilities” on the Pit these days, the indignation flows thick and fast. A lot of people criticize those of us who bring these things up, using words like “apologist” and opining that our standards for ND basketball are somehow lower than they should be. There’s…

Full Notre Dame Column

It Just Goes to Show

Show what, I’m not at all sure. Nothing, it seems, has been what it seems for the last couple weeks. Charlie Weis was fired, and then he was not. Jack Swarbrick was meeting with him next Monday, then it became last Tuesday when both were jetting around four time zones on the left coast. A…

Full Notre Dame Column

It’s Time

This one really hurts. The last two didn’t hurt, but this one does. Okay, the last two hurt, but not in the same way. The last two times we fired guys, they were guys who didn’t really care about ND as a place and decided to treat it as a career way-station on their planned…

Full Notre Dame Column