keivarae russell

IBG: Dry Heat Edition

The desert heat is the perfect thing to help fight a cold, so I’m regretting even more the fact I can’t go. But I soldier on with the Irish Blogger Gathering, muscling through the Nyquil fog and sharing my opinions with the masses. My fellow participants asked their usual questions of me, and their answers…

Full Notre Dame Column

Wonder, Think & Know: Admiral Ackbar Edition

Mike Royko never said, “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know”. He might have said some of the unprintable things I said while watching the game, though. Probably while watching Cubs games. I’ve never seen two teams work harder to give each other the game. Final score notwithstanding,…

Full Notre Dame Column

Wonder, Think and Know: Football Four Edition

I don’t think Mike Royko ever commented on Notre Dame’s academic integrity.  He certainly never said “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know”, particularly outside of any sports seasons.  But the current situation with Notre Dame’s investigation of academic misconduct by students, including four football players, demands I…

Full Notre Dame Column