ncaa football

No More Excuses

As we shiver in the cold, we now enter the 40 days of waiting, at the end of which will be a glorious day of resurrection. While it’s not the usual one Catholic folks expect, the 19 years between national title attempts certainly has been more excruciating than the worst Lent I can remember, so…

Full Notre Dame Column

Coach Brian Kelly Press Conference Transcript

(Notre Dame Football News) – COACH KELLY: Good afternoon. I can tell you for the first time probably in my 20 years of being a head football coach at this time, I generally am asked, Are you ready to go? I’ll respond by saying, you know, I could use a couple more days. That’s not…

Full Notre Dame Column

Opportunities Abound

The dawn of a new year is the time of hope. People make resolutions to do better in their lives. They see an opportunity for a clean slate, and want to take advantage of the benefits that slate can give. Some folks have Opportunity knocking at their door today. If they take advantage, it could…

Full Notre Dame Column