Notes From the Geetar

Notes from the Geetar: Credit Where Credit Is Due

The Thanksgiving Day dawn sees me at my in-laws, anticipating a day where (should I choose) I don’t have to put on my shoes and a dinner of awesome proportions, not to mention tremendous Thanksgiving sandwiches later.  It also, as always, finds me noodling all the reasons I have to be thankful this year. If…

Full Notre Dame Column

Notes from the Geetar: Transitive Property Edition

Normally I use these columns as a stream of consciousness thing, but I figured I’d try something different today.  So you won’t hear me wonder if the two field goal attempts down four scores means Dino Babers is one of those guys who would bunt to break up a no-hitter. No, today I want to…

Full Notre Dame Column

Notes From the Geetar: 37,000 foot edition

The Wi-Fi up here leaves a bit to be desired, but that’s not stopping me from typing away in my SWA seat wearing my ND football jersey.  All I would need is a hat to prompt a Crossian aneurysm, but alas, I lost it somewhere along the way on game day.  Things are not always…

Full Notre Dame Column

Notes from the Geetar: Khaki? I Hardly Knew Ye Edition

The sun shines brighter today, food tastes better, and I have a spring in my step. Wolverine tears really do make the world go ’round. As Kayo said in this week’s RKC, an offense built on broken plays is not sustainable. Given Michigan’s defensive prowess and the absence of Dexter Williams, I’m more than willing…

Full Notre Dame Column