notre dame football

No Fate But What We Make

I was working at one of my kids’ fundraiser Sunday morning, and a fellow parent who knew I was an ND alumnus came over to chat about the loss Saturday night. He’s a B1G grad, but of a school we never play, and we share a mutual loathing of those in Ann Arbor, so the…

Full Notre Dame Column

You’ll Never Beat the Irish, ND Style

One of our posters on NDNation undertook a project with the Irish group The Wolfe Tones, and we wanted to share the results with our readership. It’s less than a week until kickoff. Several years ago, I mentioned to El Kabong the possibility of getting the Wolfe Tones to revise their “You’ll Never Beat the…

Full Notre Dame Column

Upping the Offensive Ante in 2013

(The Rock Report) – Every team has its own personality; last year’s Irish squad was the scrapper. Stout as any unit in the country on defense, the offense, directed by Chuck Martin, focused on supporting the defense. When in doubt, the Irish traded opportunity for field position and low turnovers. That will likely change in…

Full Notre Dame Column

Helping Coach Alford

As most ND fans have heard, Aaron Alford, brother of assistant football coach Tony Alford, died of a heart attack earlier this week at the age of 39. Like most young men getting started in an athletics administration career, Aaron and his family didn’t have much, and they now have to deal with his untimely…

Full Notre Dame Column