notre dame football

The Invincible Invisibles?

Coach Kelly is certainly following through on his stated recruiting strategy of going after big skill players who can play a number of positions. Here’s what Kelly told Irish Eyes: “Big skill is profiling out, if I could take 20 guys who are tough gentlemen who fit the profile at Notre Dame academically and were…

Full Notre Dame Column

No Means No

My mother is one of those social souls for whom exiting a party is three times the effort of entering. She’ll say she’s leaving, then run into someone on the way to the door. 10 minutes later, the process repeats. Eventually she finds her way out, but it usually involves half a tank of gas…

Full Notre Dame Column

Brian Kelly and the Secret Sauce

See also: Will Kelly’s Offense Work at ND See also: Kelly and Leadership Part I: Developing Players from the Inside Out (The Rock Report ) – “Every victory is won before the game is played.” ~ Lou Holtz I was out having some drinks and ran into a player on the 1988 team who recounted…

Full Notre Dame Column