notre dame football

Charlie, Leadership and the Secret Sauce

(The Rock Report ) – “Every victory is won before the game is played.” ~ Lou Holtz I was out having some drinks and ran into a player on the 1988 team who recounted the back story that led to the Irish’s inspirational thumping of Rodney Peete and the Trojans that year (pardon any lack…

Full Notre Dame Column

It’s Time to Expect to Beat Southern Cal

(The Rock Report) – There has been an ideological debate on NDNation over whether coaching or talent was responsible for Notre Dame’s two year plunge. The answer is both and when you have two factors with that much impact, it’s hard, if not impossible, to determine ultimate causation. As we’ve covered before (ad nauseam) Weis…

Full Notre Dame Column

Talent, Coaching and Chemistry

(The Rock Report) – Talent At this point, nothing matters but performance. But as the chart on the left shows, Notre Dame will emerge this year from the upper level talent dearth that is finally working its way out of the system in 2009. This chart, based on WTF68’s analysis, is an updated analysis of…

Full Notre Dame Column

Opportunities Abound

The dawn of a new year is the time of hope. People make resolutions to do better in their lives. They see an opportunity for a clean slate, and want to take advantage of the benefits that slate can give. Some folks have Opportunity knocking at their door today. If they take advantage, it could…

Full Notre Dame Column

Pat Fits? Don’t Think So

I was working on the (very tardy) headlines this evening when a Sun Times entry caught my eye: PAT’s no irish tap dancer The folks at the Kiddie Paper, as my grandfather used to call them, aren’t really good at indicating what their articles are about via the headlines, so I opened it up to…

Full Notre Dame Column