The Gist of our Goals

A couple weeks ago, I reviewed the 2014-16 football schedules ND released before the holidays, and said I would talk about the Scheduling Philosophy “tomorrow”. Obviously my concept of the word “tomorrow” is a little skewed, because here we are in January. But tomorrow has come, and as I’ve always said, some things you won…

Full Notre Dame Column

Fight Until You Die

(The Rock Report) –  2012 will go down as a season with some of the ugliest scores since the 60s. 20-17, 13-6, 20-13(ot), 17-14, 29-26(ot), 22-13… wretchedly ugly when viewed on a schedule, but so, so beautiful when you also see the heart behind the score. During this unbeaten run it seemed as if a…

Full Notre Dame Column

Wonder, Think & Know: Numero Uno Edition

As the late great Mike Royko once said, some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know. And I know the occasion of ND being number one in the polls for the first time in over 6,000 days merits a special edition here. Notre Dame being #1 in the GSR…

Full Notre Dame Column

It’s Time to Expect to Beat Southern Cal

(The Rock Report) – There has been an ideological debate on NDNation over whether coaching or talent was responsible for Notre Dame’s two year plunge. The answer is both and when you have two factors with that much impact, it’s hard, if not impossible, to determine ultimate causation. As we’ve covered before (ad nauseam) Weis…

Full Notre Dame Column