It’s been almost 24 hours since Notre Dame unveiled the uniforms the football team will wear for the 2018 Shamrock Series game in Yankee Stadium against Syracuse.
I still consider myself too young to be a get-off-my-lawn type, but I certainly will cop to being generally conservative when it comes to Notre Dame, particularly its football program. As such, the recent trend of wearing “alternate uniforms” tends to rub me the wrong way. Let’s be clear, I’m not wedded to the blue-jersey-gold-pants thing … my favorite ND uniform ever is the green-and-gold the team came out of the tunnel in for the 1977 USC game, and I wish that would be ND’s typical garb. Rather, I’m wedded to the “you have a uniform, so wear it” thing, so while the usual departure from the standard each season wears on me, this one wears particularly hard.
I know there are folks out there who love the “uniform fun” and don’t give a damn for the most part what ND wears. And I’m all for the players enjoying themselves. But I suppose what galls me the most here, outside of the general lack of taste displayed in this year’s effort, is ND once again abandoning dignity in an effort to pursue … I’m still not entire sure what.
Notre Dame, for me, has always been about winning the right way. The “right way” certainly included following the rules and doing right by the student athletes, whether that be on the field by giving them the best available coaching (harrumph) or off the field by insuring they left the school with a degree and the ability to have a good life in return for what they gave in their ND career. The “right way” definitely included a standard of conduct both for coaches and administrators (harrumph harrumph) and players, to which a lack of adherence would be a non-starter.
But for me, the “right way” also includes dignity, and between the pinstripes and the Lepretron and “upgrading your experience“, that seems to be in short supply under the Dome these days. At the very least, it’s taking a back seat to the filthy lucre.

Notre Dame probably is the most recognized name in college football, and that recognition comes with plenty of benefits. The program has fans all over the world, and those fans have never been shy about supporting the program with their eyeballs and their pocketbooks. Notre Dame isn’t an Oregon, who has to draw attention to itself with flashy gimmicks and over-the-top sartorial choices because it’s the only way the average fan (or recruit) is going to look at them twice. They have the draw and all the accompanying positives. Anything beyond is gilding the lily.
George Clooney doesn’t walk around in Ed Hardy gear. You wouldn’t find Cate Blanchett doing performance art in Times Square sporting a Durkl ensemble. Denzel Washington doesn’t have any YOLO shirts in his drawer, let alone on his person. They know better. They’ve arrived. They know the value of their dignity and that it’s unnecessary for them to trade on it.
In a world where acting like you’ve been there is considered worthy, Notre Dame doesn’t seem to think there’s any “there” there. Unnecessary barnstorming is a bad start, and the usual garish clothes accompanying the trip put the whipped cream on top. But this year’s foray into bad taste truly is the sundae’s cherry.
What price a soul? Apparently $89.99.
FYI – I am 74+ years old, went to ND for 2+ years didn’t graduate. I used to comment as 1Historian but this now is the only place I can comment because I refuse to join social media or facebook – I really don’t know the lingo, don’t care. My cellphone is a portable telephone and that’s it.
I listened to the 1966 S.C. game during a midwatch on a short-wave radio in the mid-east, I live in Maine and follow the Irish closely, I am proud and grateful to be known locally as an old coot.
Enough about me.
Notre Dame is good at a lot of things, making LOTS of money is one of them, humility is NOT one of them. These unis are beyond hideous, and he/she who thought them up deserves to be punished – how I cannot say, and I will leave it up to any who agree with me to think up something, and I will make it a point NOT to watch the game where they are worn.
9-3 at best.
Ryan Andrew says:
Amen Terence, quality football has taken a far back seat to gimmickry in the land of Notre
irishhawk50 says:
This uniform is beyond pitiful and further brings home the crassness of the whole Shamrock Series. If ND is in the hunt for a national championship season why would you put the team through a November travel schedule from hell? It’s bad enough having a Navy home game in San Diego and then having fly to the west coast to play USC, but to take a home game in the middle of this and move it to NYC is crazy. Novembers have been tough on the Irish but to throw gas on the fire just makes no sense.
Back to the ugly uniform. How many of these abominations do they think they will sell compared to a “plain” green home jersey which Under Armor still hasn’t created. I guarantee you a green home jersey would sell a hundred times what this will sell and on a national level. Wake up the echoes!?!
Mike Coffey says:
To be clear, the Navy game is Navy’s home game and they decided to play it in San Diego. You’re completely on point with regard to the self-inflicted-ness of any November travel woes.
irishhawk50 says:
I guess I wasn’t clear enough. By a Navy home game, I meant a home game for Navy and actually that game is in the end of October, but that’s the Irish in me!
Well said. I for one would like to know just who came up with this monstrosity. I was going to ask if this was a joke. but if it’s at this stage then it’s pretty clear that they’re serious.
nd71 says:
It’s already 30% off on sale at the Eck Bookstore remainder rack.
It has been thus during the past 20 years or so. This is not going to change absent a true alumni led threat to the institution’s existence as a tier one university.
MikeKelley says:
I think the uniforms are cool. I have generally liked all of the Shamrock uniforms. I have a very good feeling about this season and I believe that that these uniforms are going to contribute to a playoff run for our Irish! Can’t wait for the season to start. Go Irish!!!
Jackson O'Shea says:
You begin with declaring yourself not a “get-off-my-lawn” type and then proceed to write 1000 words comparing the conduct of players to themed jerseys used for 1 game of a 12 game season. You also finish out the message board “Mad-Lib” session with the ever-original Lepretron joke. Come on Mike, you usually write a lot of good things, but save the outrage for the outrageous and don’t waste your energy on some ugly jerseys for a game against a low tier football program.
Jim DGreen says:
Spot on Jackson.
Farsdahl says:
One of the reasons I went to Notre Dame was because of the deep respect for tradition and heritage, not only in its academics and culture, but in its sports identity. I throw up a little bit every time I see a new Oregon Ducks uni. I was opposed to ending the practice of spray-painting the helmets with gold from the Main Building’s dome. College football is about tradition.
I’m also a fan of anyone playing against the Yankees. Go Tigers.
THAT BEING SAID, I like the uniforms. I see them as a sign of respect paid to a sporting tradition that is, in many ways, the parallel of Notre Dame’s – a long history of championships, a fanbase that extends far beyond their team’s homes, and a subject of passionate feelings in both fans and foes. I also think they’re pretty sharp; the lettering is a particularly nice touch. The one criticism I have is that there’s almost no Irish left in the uniforms; like a lot of others, I wish that there were more gold in the helmets.
In the end, though, let’s all try to remember that it’s not like we’re throwing the gold helmets in a dumpster. This is for one game.
I’ll leave with this question: do you think Knute Rockne would have embraced alternate uniforms? I think he might have; he was a showman, and a lot of what he did was intended to raise the profile of the Notre Dame brand.
Mike Coffey says:
No, I don’t think Rocke would have embraced alternate uniforms. Rockne’s innovations were for the purpose of getting a small Catholic school on the national map and enabling them to win national championships. That goal has been achieved, or at least it was. The purpose of the Shamrock game (giving NBC night games when the collars didn’t want them at home) and jerseys (increasing bookstore sales) is money, pure and simple.
Andrew says:
I like the uniforms. I’m 41. I haven’t met an ND alum yet that dislikes them. And I don’t think it has anything to do with dignity or whatever. There is nothing I can say to convince you, but purely anecdotally the internet seems way angrier at this than actual human beings that I know personally.
Mike Coffey says:
I can point you to any number of articles written recently by alums expressing displeasure. Twitter has plenty of reactions as well. But as long as we’re reporting anecdotes, I have over a dozen alumni friends who think they’re terrible.
Would they care to tell us who is responsible for this? Whose final approval was necessary for this?
irishhawk50 says:
Alabama seems to do quite well in recruiting and on the field without the need of all the alternative clown uniforms. Just saying……
Fryegye says:
Remember George Clooney wore a Batman costume with nipples and took the money. Cate Blanchett ran around with antlers on her head and took the money. I’m still not sure Denzel Washington doesn’t have a YOLO shirt since he tends to die in every movie. He still takes the money. Just sayin’…
Brian Seiler says:
Made me laugh!
JDM says:
“I am not a get-off-my-lawn type” and “having a jumbotron is undignified” betrays a bit of a lack of self-awareness. With that said, these uniforms are awful, and any negative blowback they get from this is fully justified.
RED says:
Long ago, I was told jokingly that CSC stood for Cash, Securities, or Checks. I guess
the punster was very prescient…
Mike Doig says:
Judging from the pictures on the internet the uni’s look silly, but when the whole team gathers together under the lights of the stadium they might look better. I just don’t know why the traditional uni’s aren’t good enough.
irishhawk50 says:
It finally dawned on me, maybe ND is going to do the old Abbott & Costello baseball routine “Who’s on First, What’s on Second” at half time in these uniforms…….
Brendan says:
For the record, I cannot stand the uniforms they rolled out this year. Full disclosure, though, I am not against the alternates once per season. The student athletes seem to enjoy them.
I challenge you, Mike, to write one positive article in 2018. Not a “the Irish win, but….” article like you typically did last season. You’ve been a fan for a long time, so act like it one more time, instead of being a constant critic. Seriously, your bias bleeds through as much, if not more, as a Liberal who watches CNN or a conservative who watches Fox News.
We get it…you don’t like the current regime in the athletic department and in the Gug. Change the record. Just once.
MOND01 says:
“The Fighting Irish.
The @Yankees.
Two Iconic Brands.
One Uniform.”
But would the Yankees ever change their uniform for any other?
To change the subject – does anyone know why they don’t have the roster anymore? Or is there some other way to access it?