Wonder, Think & Know: Thanksgiving edition

Even if Mike Royko had said “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know”, there’s no way he would have said it about Thanksgiving.  Everyone knows what they’re thankful for today, and that includes yours truly.  So allow me to lay a little protocol on you, my audience, regarding the Notre Dame-based things for which I am thankful.

I’m thankful for the great wins we’ve seen this year on the gridiron.  It’s always fun to kick SC’s ass.  Would that there was another 38-0 opportunity in there against our neighbors to the northeast.  I know it’s always easier to run the site when the team is doing well, so more wins from them means less headaches for a very-thankful me.

I’m thankful for Mike Elko and Clark Lea and Matt Balis and what they’ve brought and will bring to the ND football program.

I’m thankful Tim Prister is back up and around with a good health prognosis.  He’s back in the saddle writing again over at BGI, and I hope for many more years of reading his stuff.

I’m thankful for the season Mike Brey and his guys are giving us so far this year.  I think the Maui Invitational championship is the start of something very good this season and in the years to come, and I know I’m going to enjoy every nanosecond of it.

Finally, I’m thankful for our posters, lurkers, my fellow Ops, and everyone else in the NDNation electronic family.  It’ll be 19 years this coming April since I threw the switch at (what was then called) NDHoops.com, and I’ve had the opportunity to meet a lot of fantastic people and make some high-quality friends.  I’m hoping we’ll still be rocking and rolling 19 years from now, God willing and the crick don’t rise.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful, safe and happy Thanksgiving.

El K

3 thoughts on “Wonder, Think & Know: Thanksgiving edition

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Mike, to you and your family. Thankful here for many things, but in this case especially NDN and the opportunities it’s provided to meet many fine people and new friends.

    I’m also thankful for the continuing promotion of the wisdom of Mike Royko, so I don’t feel completely old and out of it!

  2. Thank you Mike, thank you to the fellow Board Ops, and thank you to the NDN family for the many hours of enjoyment (and angst) this board not only brings to me, but to all of us.

    Enjoy your weekend and God Bless

  3. Mike its you guys that make NDN relevant. If there is no unbiased sounding board like this forum then we should pack up and leave. This University has been based on diverse thinking and free opinion about its course since its founding. The current state of Irish football may seem a small part of portraying the landscape of what ND is but to the media looking… its what’s defines us. This place, this institution will never fall short of providing me the best memories of my life. From my first time off the bus in 1987 to watch my first Irish game live…to the day my oldest son graduated with a degree from the university of Notre Dame. We can bitch all we want about the state of Irish Football but In retrospect … the ride has been great. I think BK has never been the coach for us since the day he was introduced to his first class of incoming freshman as a new head coach in 2010. Instead of embracing the class he suggested to that class we are inadequate of cheering on the Irish…I can’t see what has Changed since that first year. Not our kids who are the most passionate of fans or his arrogance.