The Hangout Part Deux

Technical glitches aside, the Google+ Hangout Jack Swarbrick did back in July was very successful, and gave the electronic community a chance to interact with the ND administration at an unprecedented level.

So the hope is if once was good, twice should be even better.

Jack Swarbrick will reprise his hangout role this Wednesday, September 26th, at 7pm EDT. Folks can access the hangout via this link. The cast of characters, outside yours truly, will include:

  • Tyler Moorehead from the recently-expanded Leprechaun Legion.
  • Ryan Ritter (aka NDTex) from Her Loyal Sons
  • Pat Mitsch (aka Final_Flanner) from our boards and late of Blue Gray Sky
  • Josh Vowles from Subway Domer

It’s well worth the effort to stop by, and hopefully this one will go off without hitches.

One thought on “The Hangout Part Deux

  1. Hopefully, we will get some clarification on the letter to Michigan about ending the contract. We can hope it was a formality and efforts will be made to keep them on the schedule even if they have to rotate them once in awhile.