What Would You Ask Jack?

On Tuesday, July 31st, Jack Swarbrick will participate in an online “hangout” on Google Plus.  Moderated by long-time ND sports anchor Jack Nolan, Jack will be interviewed by representatives from seven ND-based online communities, one of which will be NDNation.

The structure of the hangout gives each representative the opportunity to ask Jack one question.  While we have more than a couple in our own little heads, since we represent our active and lurking community at large, we want to give you the opportunity to tell us what question you’d like to hear answered.

We will be asking our question third out of the seven interviewers, so we want to have three questions in hand in case our first two get snapped up.  We’ll choose our three with input from this community, with the following caveats:

  • Respect is key. We’re not going to consider any questions that sound like they were asked by a recalcitrant 10-year-old.
  • Originality is key. We don’t want to waste anyone’s time re-asking questions asked and answered. So review things like WNDU’s recent series of interviews with Jack before submitting your question.
  • Relevance is key. We don’t give a damn about Penn State or any other non-ND-related issues, so don’t bother with those.

You can make your voice heard in one of two ways:

  1. If you’re a registered member of NDNation, you can participate in this thread on the Gameday Board. If your question isn’t already in that thread, ask it. If there are questions there you like, respond to them indicating your support.
  2. If you’re not a registered member of NDNation (and why the hell not?), leave your question as a comment in response to this article. If there’s already one there that you like, respond to that comment appropriately. Since our software only allows five days worth of comments, you’d best get your suggestions in soon.

We’ll post info on the hangout on Rock’s House. You’ll need a Google Plus account to view the hangout, so you’d best get that taken care of.

Edit: I stand corrected, a Google+ account will not be required to watch the hangout. Further bulletins as events warrant.

8 thoughts on “What Would You Ask Jack?

  1. Jim Canfield says:

    It is often said that nd football and basketball income pays for the operation of all other nd sports,is that true ?

  2. 2.If you’re not a registered member of NDNation (and why the hell not?)

    Don’t see on your site where you would “register”. I have been visiting your site daily for at least a year and really enjoy the insightful commentary especially during the off season.

  3. If you had to say in a very direct answer yes or no, do you ever envision Notre Dame joining a conference in football? Elaborate…

  4. I would like to know about this famous “list” that we all hope he has. The question should be worded diplomatically to get an honest answer. Since it’s in a public forum, Jack won’t want to see other media sites pick it up with a headline like “Notre Dame AD searching for Kelly’s replacement.”

    Here’s my suggestion:
    “As we’ve seen all around college football, a head coach’s job can be very tenuous even when the team is having great success. It’s been said that while Gerry Faust was coach, ND’s athletic director had identified Lou Holtz as a potential candidate for the ND job for whenever the job might open up in the future, and he informally advised Holtz to avoid any contractual limitations that would impair his ability to one day accept the ND job if offered. Do you practice this type of contingency planning? Obviously without naming any names, do you have a list of coaches in the industry from which you have informally gauged their interest in one day coming to Notre Dame?”

  5. Since the BCS will be gone in two years, what will the new 4-Team playoff system be called, and will the D-I / D-IA /etc. distinction be re-introduced?

  6. Why is Notre Dame so rigid on requiring every football player to get an undergraduate degree in only 4 years? I understand that a player can apply for a 5th year of football eligibility, so long as they are enrolled in an advanced degree program, in their 5th. Most notably, Chris Stewart, JD/Lineman extraordinaire.

    The fact that we are playing with players overloaded with a hard degree coursework, and play a brutal national schedule, why do the powers that be still require a 4 year undergrad degree?

    It really bothers me for two reasons:
    (1) When I was a student at ND, getting my degree was hard enough. You’re asking guys to carry the playing burden of a $50 million football business, as well as get a hard degree in the same amount of time that I had, a normal student.
    (2) Do the powers that be really believe their is a quality difference in an ND Football Player who graduates from Mendoza in 4 years with and undergrad, versus one that graduates from Mendoza with an undegrad in 5 years? Common sense tells us, there is no difference, other than 365 days.
    365 days where that ball player could have been less stressed.

    Heres to spreading out undergrad degrees for football players over 5 years. Give them their summer’s off to lift and enjoy life.

  7. Sean Gorman - Class of 2002 says:

    Do you ever see Notre Dame expanding their sports footprint to include more Olympic sports or elevating any club level sports to the monogram level? I browsed the Capital One Cup page recently and saw some sports listed that we don’t have a D1 presence in, and was curious what your vision was for those. Thanks for you time & Go Irish!

  8. Is ND exploring a total television package or independent channel that will cover All sports at Notre Dame — for example, hockey is now huge, women’s soccer has 3 national championships and is celebrating their 25th anniversary, even baseball could use some t.v. coverage …